Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mivvy n.3

[? ironic abbr. SE marvel or Cockney pron. of ‘mother’ as muvva]

1. in ‘female’ senses.

(a) a contemptuous term for a woman.

[UK] ‘’Arry on Fashion’ in Punch 10 Sept. 110/1: Lor’ bless yer, they don’t know the ropes, these old mivvies don’t, more than a mug.
[UK]Isle of Wight Obs. 6 June 5/5: Yah booh chuck ’em here, you old mivvy.
[UK]Binstead & Wells Pink ’Un and Pelican 244: J’yer, Jack, what’er yr done with yer bloomin’ mivvy?

(b) in fig. use, a complainer, a whiner, an ‘old woman’.

[UK] ‘’Arry on the Rail’ in Punch 13 Sept. 109/1: We put some old guys on the wax / [...] A fig for such mumchance old mivvies!
[UK] ‘’Arry on His Critics and Champions’ in Punch 14 Apr. 180/1: Nice sort of old mivvy he makes me. I’m ‘poor and ill-dressed,’ Charlieme!
[UK] ‘’Arry on Wheels’ in Punch 7 May 217/2: There’s a lot of old mivvies been writting long squeals to the Times about hus. / They call us ‘road-tyrants’ and rowdies.

(c) (also mivey, mivy) the landlady of a lodging-house.

[UK]Punch 10 Sept. 111: Talk about stodge! Jest you arsk the old mivvy as caters for me at the crib where I lodge [F&H].
[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant II 57/2: Mivies (popular), landladies.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

2. an expert, an adept.

[UK]E. Pugh Spoilers 162: He’s a mivvy at makin’ things easy.