Green’s Dictionary of Slang

buffy adj.

[? bevvy n. (1) or Fr. bouffé, bloated]

1. drunk.

[UK]Dickens ‘Slang’ in Household Words 24 Sept. 75/2: For the one word drunk [...] buffy, boozy, mops and brooms, half-seas-over [etc.].
[UK] letter to Editor Daily News 25 Sept. 5/1: He, the driver, must get up earlier and go to bed without getting buffy.
[UK]Kent & Sussex Courier 9 Dec. 6/1: One [...] accuses one of the pupil teachers (of the feminine gender) with writing a treatise on Swipes, Bunker or Cat-lip, and I must necessarily infer that she must have a proneness for getting Buffy and Kisky.
[US]R. McAlmon Companion Volume 166: I don’t want to get buffy tonight; have to work tomorrow.

2. hungover.

Besant & Rice Ready-Money Mortiboy 155: [...] Perhaps when I feel a little buffy, in the morning; mayhap, after an extra go of grog the night before.