Green’s Dictionary of Slang

yentzer n.

[Yid. yenzter, synon. with fucker n. (3) but lit. f. contrived euph. yents, trans. as ‘that’ or ‘the other’]

(US) a cheat, a deceiver, a liar.

[US]Mencken Amer. Lang. (4th edn) 577: He [...] borrows others from foreign languages, e.g., [...] ganov, kibitzer, kosher and yentzer from Yiddish.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 243/1: Yentzer. A cheat; one who defrauds his associates of their full share of loot, or turns state’s evidence when arrested, or in any other way violates the ethics of the underworld; a policeman, or any other official, or buyer of stolen goods, who does business with the members of the underworld and fails to fulfill his side of the bargain.
[UK]R. Fabian Anatomy of Crime 194: Yentzer: A racketeer.
[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.