liquid adj.
SE in slang uses
In compounds
(US campus) very cheap beer.
Da Bomb 🌐 18: Liquid bread: Really cheap beer. |
succour gained through alcohol.
Sporting Times 29 Sept. 1/4: By and bye, into a public-house she shyly made her way; / As, as if she’d never in a pub. been caught, / She asked, not for liquid comfort, but for him who held the sway / In the house, for the proprietor, in short. | ‘Her New Game’
(UK prison) major tranquillizers used to calm rebellious or ‘difficult’ prisoners; also attrib.
New Scientist 8 Nov. 423: Claims and counter-claims about controlling prisoners with drugs (the ‘liquid cosh’ is the inmates’ terms [sic]) and about drug experiments on prisoners are rife. | ||
Grass Arena (1990) 161: The hospital screws gave him the liquid cosh – filled him so full of Largactil he doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. | ||
Inside 44: Just spent a month in the hospital unit suffering large amounts of ‘liquid cosh’. | ||
in London: City of Disappearances 123: He could describe the security precautions at Grendon Underwood, the ‘liquid cosh’ regime. | ||
Locked Ward (2013) 20: Various happy pills were doled out —and a few biffs of the liquid cosh. |
(US) courage due to the consumption of alcohol.
Amer. Thes. Sl. | ||
Da Bomb Summer Supplement 9: Liquid courage (n.) Liquor. | ||
Campus Sl. Apr. 5: Beer. [...] liquid courage. |
(US black) malt liquor.
Sonoma County Indep. 2–8 Oct. 🌐 Often referred to on the street as ‘liquid crack,’ malt liquor is the dregs of American brews. Although it is packaged like beer and looks like beer when poured in a glass, malt liquor’s alcohol content is twice as high. |
strong, potent alcohol, esp. whisky.
Among Pines 228: ‘Mine host’ and two assistants were dispensing ‘liquid death,’ at the rate of ten cents a glass. | ||
Forty Liars (1888) 260: Vinegar Hill Sheep Dip [...] was way billed over the Union Pacific as ‘Liquid Crime’. | ||
St John’s Herald (AZ) 21 Feb. 6/4: We have had quite an influx of cow-punchers [...] filling up on ‘liquid crime’ of the vintage of 1888. | ||
Hardtford Repub. (KY) 17 Apr. 3/3: Will Long, of the ‘Hell’s Neck’ neighborhood [...] filled his anatomy full of ‘liquid crime’ and proceeded to ‘do’ the town. |
strong liquor.
Northern Star (W. Yorks) 16 May 7/6: When will ye learn to clothe your own backs before you fill the pockets of your rich and gourmandising oppressors by swallowing their ‘liquid damnation’. | ||
Leeds Times 10 Dec. 7/3: It would be interesting to compare the increase in the metropolitan consumption of —‘liquid damnation’. | ||
Cheltenham Chron 21 June 3/1: Look at yon miserable self-martyr, with the fire of liquid damnation gleaming through his carbuncle nose [...] his ruby proboscis. | ||
Preston Chron. 15 Aug. 6/4: There would be no sellers if there were no buyers of tht which total abstainers are so fond of terming ‘liquid damnation’. | ||
Dly Gaz. for Middlesborough 19 Nov. 3/2: The public [...] sold ‘liquid damnation’ at threepence a glass. | ||
Glasgow Herald 13 June 6/3: Is then, a distribution of ginger-beer before an election to be legal and a distribution of ‘liquid damnation’ that comes from Burton-on-Trent to be illegal? | ||
Glasgow Herald 20 June 6/3: Mr Dunn [...] a seller of spirits to the natives of South Africa, was sent to parliament by the votes of men who [...] look upon spirts as liquid damnation. | ||
Aberdeen Jrnl 13 Apr. 5/1: They marched back to the bar and drank the liquid damnation to the very dregs. | ||
Leamington Spa Courier 11 July 4/7: Men who for the greed of gain[...] traffic opium abroad and deal in ‘liquid damnation’ at home. | ||
Dundee Courier 3 Feb. 3/2: They had [...] as much right to sell liquid damanantion as he had. |
strong, potent alcohol.
N. Devon Jrnl 9 Sept. 6/4: Lest some miserable drunkard should feel an intense thirst for the ‘liquid fire’ [...] spirits, brandy, rum or whiskey are sold from a shilling to eighteen pence a gallon! | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 4 July 17/4: And the local vendors of ‘liquid fire and distilled damnation’ smile like pleased oysters, for in Townsville the consumption of rum increases in proportion to the fervor of political feeling. | ||
Manchester Eve. News 12 Oct. 3/1: Liquid fire. Robert Wilson [...] was fined £40 at Glasgow for having on a Sunday [...] sold methylated spirits as a beverage. | ||
Hull Daily Mail 13 Dec. 4/2: Illustrated by an experiment showing how alcohol is rightly named ‘liquid fire’. |
(drugs) alkyl nitrites.
‘Drug Sl. Vault’ on 🌐 Liquid Gold Nitrites. |
(US drugs) tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Current Sl. V:4. |
(orig. Aus.) vomit.
Barry McKenzie [comic strip] in Complete Barry McKenzie (1988) 81: All them liquid laughs on the boat have left me feeling weak as piss. | ||
Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 35: Liquid Laughter Vomit. | ||
Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 81: LIQUID LAUGH — Vomit, spew or chunder. | ||
Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 69/2: liquid laugh vomit. | ||
Age (Melbourne) 7 Dec. 130/5: Australia has much of which to be proud [...] drain the dragon, syphon the python, (point percy at the porcelain), having a liquid laugh down the great white telephone. | ||
Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: liquid laughter n. Puke. | ||
Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988]. |
1. see lightning n. (1)
2. see lightning n. (2)
(orig. Aus.) a meal that consists of alcohol.
Front Room Boys Scene i: We used to go down to Jim Buckley’s [...] for a liquid lunch. | ||
Sir, You Bastard 54: The caretaker [was] aroused from his post-liquid lunch slumber. | ||
G’DAY 69: Feel like a liquid lunch today? | || 🌐 The doctor left for a long liquid lunch leaving assurances of imminant liberation. | ‘Tying Off’ on||
Good Girl Stripped Bare 86: Derryn and his executive producer [...] down liquid lunches. | ||
Blacktop Wasteland 104: ‘[W]e can lock up and go over to Danny’s for some liquid lunch’. |
(boxing) blood.
Paved with Gold 190: Hammer took advantage of the pause [...] to go up to his corner and once more get the ‘liquid rouge’ wiped off his ‘wig-block’. |
(US drugs) heroin.
Close Pursuit (1988) 133: He had the flag up when we took him, the whole nine yards of liquid sky straight up the arm. |
see stuff n. (5a)
(Aus.) alcohol.
Bulletin (Sydney) 19 Dec. 15/1: [He] straps on a couple of cases of whisky, or whatever liquid sunshine his immature soul hankers for, and makes for some secluded water-hole [...]. |