Green’s Dictionary of Slang

me and you n.

[rhy. sl.]

1. (bingo) the number two or 22.

[UK]P. Wright Cockney Dialect and Sl. 109: 2 = me an’ you.
[US]J. Burkardt ‘The Bingo Code’ Wordplay 🌐 2: me and you.
[UK](con. 1960s) M. McGrath Silvertown 223: The Walters fall to their cards, frantically marking the numbers as they’re called: two fat ladies, eighty-eight [...] Twenty-two, me and you.

2. sexual intercourse [= screw n.1 (1b)].

[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 117: There are other, more general if less modern and correct, studies of Cockney rhyming slang, though they tend to skirt [...] me and you (‘screw’, which in England often means pay packet or wages but has come to mean, as in the US, ‘fuck’, stuff even bugger).