Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kapok n.

In compounds

kapok-kruncher (n.) [pillow-biter n.]

(Aus.) a male homosexual.

[Aus]B. Humphries Traveller’s Tool 110: A carefully orchestrated shit-slinging campaign by a few élitist ex-pats, traitors and plummy-voiced kapok-krunchers who make a quid in the colour supplements by bucketing their bushland heritage.

In phrases

hit the kapok (v.)

(Aus.) to got to bed.

[Aus]Smith’s Wkly (Sydney) 22 Sept. 11/4: ‘But you will be delighted to know, Colonel, that I hit the kapok solus’.
[Aus]Truth (Sydney) 18 Nov. 9/3: Steve declared that she said that she was going to bed, but according to him, instead of hitting the kapok, she proceeded to attack him with a sewing machine drawer [...] knocking him against a railing.
[Aus]World’s News (Sydney) 19 July 14/2: In an average lifetime, nearly 200,000 hours are wasted in sleep. You, I and everybody, except a few insomniacs, spend one-third of life lying like logs, dead to the world. Maybe you are a bed-lizard and glory in hitting the kapok.
[Aus]Canberra Times (ACT) 28 Mar. 3/4: If you were going to ‘hit the kapok’, what would you be about to do?