Green’s Dictionary of Slang

foutre v.

also fouter, foutra
[Fr. foutre, to fuck]

1. to have sexual intercourse; a synon. with fuck v. (1); thus (translit.) foutering, intercourse, pheuterer, one who has intercourse.

[UK]‘Misdiaboles’ Ulysses upon Ajax 31: This is he [...] that writ epigrams of Aethon’s f—t—g in the capital; of his boys kiss: This is the encourager of lechery.
[UK]J. Marston Iacke Drums entertainment 28: Mounsier: Me danck you, and first mee kisse your fingre, next mee busse your lip, and last mee clip your vaste, and now foutra for de Vinifride.
[UK]Massinger Picture V i : Yeoman pheuterer? Such another word to your Gouernor, and you goe Supperlesse to bed for’t.
[UK]F. Kinnaston Leoline and Sydanis 35: The caitife Marquis Foutre, all whose actions Were form'd by some infernall feind in hell.
[UK]P. Sá Late accident in the New-Exchange 7: [T]he Gentleman casteth at me most contumelious words, repeating them twice or thrice in the French tongue [...] calling mee Jean Foutre, Brugher, and Coquin.
[UK]T. Flatman Don Juan Lamberto 24: Of the female deities [...] the fourth [was] French, foutre du diable].
Ladies Losse 5: The case is alter’d since I foutred; Your Cunny is not well accoutred.
[[UK]Pepys Diary 16 Jan. n.p.: After some caresses, je l’ay foutee sous de la chaise deux times].
Behn Amorous Prince IV iv: I see there is nothing but foutering In this Town.
[UK] ‘Colin’ in Wilson Court Satires of the Restoration (1976) 25: Then in came dowdy Mazarin, / That foreign antiquated quean / Who soon was told the King no more / Would deal with an intriguing whore, / That she already had about her / Too good an equipage de foutre.
Gazophylacium anglicanum 78: To Fuck, from the Fr. G. Foutre, or the Ital. Fotere, idem; or from the Lat. Futuo, idem;.
Poems on Affairs of State 133: That Foreign Antiquated Quean; / Who soon was told the King no more / Would deal with an Intrigueing Whore: / That she already had about her / To good an Equipage de Foutre.

2. used adj., synon with fucking adj. (1)

Nevv collection of the choicest songs n.p.: Let the Rabble / prate and babble, / Foutra Diable / We will all be mad.

In exclamations

foutra on... (excl.)

used as (dismissive) excl.

[UK]J. Marston Dutch Courtezan n.p.: Foutra pon you Vitch, Bawde, Pole-catte.
[UK]H. Glapthorpe Hollander n.p.: Scon. Amon Deui, this is the Doctor: Foutra I would faine speake to him [ibid] n.p.: Scon. Manners Lady, you mistake I've none at all; [...] Ile be as clownish as an Upland Bore, foutra, tell a Dutch man of manners?