Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bubby n.2

also bubbie, bubi
[buddy n. + bubba n. (4)]

a friendly term of address.

[US]A. Greene Glance at N.Y. II iv: What’s up? Say, Bubby, what’s de matter?
[US]Flash (NY) 25 Sept. n.p.: Call and see us, Bubby.
[US]‘A.P.’ [Arthur Pember] Mysteries and Miseries 187: ‘That won’t do, bubby; I don’t sell such measly apples as that’ .
S.F. Weekly Examiner n.p.: When she was ready to go home, she did so without carriage or baby. Shortly after, bubby kicked up high jinks, and the joker clerk was sent for to take him away [F&H].
[US]J. Hawthorne Confessions of Convict 114: Shut off your guff, now, bubbies!
[US] ‘Central Connecticut Word-List’ in DN III:i 4: bub or bubby, n. Term of address to a small boy.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 11: Goin’ home, bubbie, beat them thirty years!
[US]R. Price Breaks 41: No, bubby, I’ve alienated everybody but you.
[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 28: Eddie and Bo embraced. Their ‘Love ya, bubi’ schtick commenced on cue.