Green’s Dictionary of Slang

whack up v.2

[ext. whack v.2 (1)]

1. (orig. US) to divide (loot).

[US]Lantern (New Orleans, LA) 15 Sept. 4: Alderman Carey did whack up with brother members on this fake contract.
Electrical Rev. (Century) n.p.: The city has never whacked up with the gas company [F&H].
[US]J. Flynt World of Graft 94: One of us used to go direct to the percentage coppers on the force, tell ’em our tale o’ woe, whack up the plunder, an’ stop worrying.
[US]A.H. Lewis Confessions of a Detective 17: The dip, when he trims a sucker, whacks up with the barman.
[US]‘O. Henry’ letter in Rolling Stones (1913) 291: If he uses mine, we’ll whack up shares on the proceeds.
[US]H. Miller Tropic of Cancer (1963) 312: We emptied our pockets quickly and began to whack it up [...] It was bewildering. There was French, American and English money.
[US]Z.N. Hurston Seraph on the Suwanee (1995) 890: We’ll whack up the lunch. You and Janie take all you want.
[US]‘Blackie’ Audett Rap Sheet 184: There was quite a lot still left in the storeroom in the laundry. So the next morning we whacked this up with the rest of the boys.
[US]Sacramento Bee (CA) 11 Aug. 26/3: The difference between a gambler who whacks up (divides his winnings) and one who whacks out (goes broke).
[US]J.D. Horan Blue Messiah 309: He gives her a hundred bucks to whack up among them.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 52: Walberto glommed all the money. Probably whacked it up with your partner.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 409: The idea of craziness may also be reinforced by out of whack, meaning ‘out of order’, which in turn derives from whack, meaning a share or portion of a larger amount (to whack up = to divide).
[Aus]P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 71: ‘Just whack it [i.e. stolen money] up three ways, even’.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 4 227: The very best of friends will gather to whack up the booty.

2. (US drugs) to dilute drugs by adding a whack n.2 (5), thus increasing the weight and potential profits.

[US](con. 1982–6) T. Williams Cocaine Kids (1990) 37: I take an eighth and I whack up two ounces [56 grams] of it, and sell the whacked stuff by the gram, half-gram, like that.
[US]R. Price Clockers 401: He dropped the package on the empty seat [...] ‘Rodney say whack it up.’.

3. see whack v.2 (1)