Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fogle n.

[? Ital. foglia, leaf; thus handkerchief or Fr. sl. fouille, a pocket; less likely is Ger. vogel, bird, and thus the ‘bird’s eye’ pattern of some handkerchiefs]

1. (orig. Ling. Fr./Polari, also fogel) a silk handkerchief; thus draw a fogle v., to steal a silk handkerchief.

[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]J. Wight Mornings in Bow St. 179: [A] sturdy, curly- headed, red-faced, knowing-looking fellow, in topp’d boots, bird’s-eye fogle, and poodle benjamin.
[UK]‘Poll Tomkinson’ in Convivialist in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) IV 14: A fogle vun day Bill Gubbins had grabbed, / From a gemman’s cly, and so he got nabbed.
[US]Whip & Satirist of NY & Brooklyn (NY) 29 Jan. n.p.: Both sporting orange ‘fogles’.
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 64: A spicy tile, and nobby head of hair. / And round his squeeze, which seemed formed for a rope, / He flash’d a birdseye fogle.
[Aus]Goulburn Herald (NSW) 29 July 4/4: ‘He’s a pal of mine; so just drop that fogle’.
[UK] ‘Leary Man’ in ‘Ducange Anglicus’ Vulgar Tongue (1857) 42: Your fogle you must flashly tie, / Each word must patter flashery, / And hit cove’s head to smashery, / To be a Leary Man.
[UK](con. 1840s–50s) H. Mayhew London Labour and London Poor III 151/2: A flash white-and-red handkerchief, or ‘fogle,’ as the costermongers call it.
[Scot] ‘Larry Cafooslem’ in Laughing Songster 159: Round my neck a fogle yellow.
[Aus]Manaro Mercury (NSW) 1 Nov. 1/5: He was what we called a buzz bloke, and used to do anything mean — go for fogels and rope yokels in for sharpers.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) 4: Fogle - Handkerchief.
[UK]Sporting Times 17 Oct. 5/5: The Brickbat promised them each a silk fogle.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 30: Fogle, a silk kerchief.
[UK](con. 1835–40) P. Herring Bold Bendigo 3: Busy fingers had Bendigo’s mother as she tied the handsome new fogle, or handerkerchief, dexterously round his neck.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 292/1: fogle a handkerchief or neckerchief (usually silk).

2. a silk handkerchief used as a fighter’s colour in a prizefight, thus sport one’s fogle, to display one’s colours prior to a fight.

[UK]Satirist (London) 8 May 35/2: They came to the scratch, and swore never to yield, / Heigho! for Johnny / And as they came into the Parliament field, / They sported their fogles, and most of them peeled.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 6 Sept. 4/2: Sambo being short of rhino, and having no ostensible backers to bear him to ‘the battle field,’ or provide him with ‘fogles,’ consented to accept £5 from Mr. Humphreys.

In compounds

fogle-diver (n.) [diver n. (3)]

a pickpocket specialising in silk handkerchieves.

[UK]Chester Chron. 15 May 3/1: They consisted of [...] fogle-divers (alias pickpockets), thimble-riggers, garter-prickers, etc.
fogle fishing (n.)

shoplifting silk handkerchieves.

[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 26 Sept. 4/3: Two fellows [...] thought it more to their taste to try their luck at fogle fishing than baiting their hooks for the finny inhabitants of the River Macquarie, entering the shop of Messrs. Tyer brothers [....] and managed by some means to convery away a piece of silk kerchiefs .
fogle-hunter (n.) (also fogle-drawer, fogleman)

a pickpocket who specializes in stealing silk handerchiefs.

[Ire]‘A Real Paddy’ Real Life in Ireland 18: They stuck to him like fogle-hunters, eased him of the jingling Georgy’s.
[UK] ‘On the Prigging Lay’ (trans. of ‘Un jour à la Croix Rouge’) in Vidocq (1829) IV 263: Are they out and outers, deary? / Are they fogle-hunters, or cracksmen leary?
[UK]Dickens Oliver Twist (1966) 118: ‘What’s the matter now?’ said the man carelessly. ‘A young fogle-hunter.’.
[UK]Flash Mirror 12: A Non-particular Fogleman — A fogle-hunter was tried at the Old Bailey [etc].
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 58: Dialogue between a Swell-Mob’s-Man and a Fogle Hunter.
[US]Ladies’ Repository (N.Y.) Oct. VIII:37 316/1: Fogle Hunter, One who steals handkerchiefs.
[UK]Man of Pleasure’s Illus. Pocket-book n.p.: [title] DIALOGUE BETWEEN A SWELL-MOB’S-MAN AND A FOGLE HUNTER, Meeting on the Steine at Brighton.
[US] ‘Scene in a London Flash-Panny’ Matsell Vocabulum 104: A couple of fogle-hunters tore off the skirts of their coats to mend their breeches.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 17 Mar. 3/3: A vivacious-looking bipod [was] called upon to answer the charge of being a keen sportsman- not after a fox but a first-rate ‘fogle-hunter’.
[UK]Sl. Dict. 167: Fogle a silk handkerchief, ― not a clout, which is of cotton. It has been hinted that this may have come from the German, vogel, a bird, from the bird’s-eye spots on some handkerchiefs, but a more probable derivation is the Italian Slang (Fourbesque), foglia, a pocket, or purse; or from the French Argot, fouille, also a pocket.
[UK]Star (Guernsey) 23 Feb. 4/2: These small criminals, technically known as fogle or billy hunters, and billy priggers.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 30: Fogle Hunters, pickpockets.
[Aus]Argus (Melbourne) 20 Sept. 6/4: The pickpocket himself is [...] a cly faker, a diver, a fogle hunter [etc].
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 292/1: fogle-hunter a pickpocket.
fogle-hunting (n.) (also fogle-drawing)

(orig. Ling. Fr./Polari) the stealing of silk handkerchiefs.

[UK]‘Jon Bee’ Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 82: ‘Drawing a fogle,’ ― picking a pocket. Fogle-hunters ― fellows whose highest flight ascends to no nobler objects than pocket-handkerchiefs. Q. ‘Where’s Teddy?’ A. ‘He’s out a fogle-hunting.’.
[UK]H. Brandon Poverty, Mendicity and Crime; Report 116: Jem the Baker, goes ‘fogle’ hunting, with little young Ben King.
Littell’s Living Age V 607: [W]e will not undertake to say that some may not have learned to ‘pass the rosy’ with Dick Swiveller, or to go a ‘fogle-hunting’ with the Artful Dodger.
[UK]Kendal Mercury 3 Apr. 6/1: A cross cove (thief,) who is conversant with villainy [...] from fogell-hunting and cly faiking [sic] on the smalls (stealing cotton pocket handerchiefs [sic] and the picking the pockets of mechanics etc) to crib-cracking.
[US]Matsell Vocabulum.