Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dick n.3

[abbr. SE declaration]

an oath, a statement, an affidavit; thus to take one’s dick, to take one’s declaration.

[UK]D. Cook Paul Foster’s Daughter II 268: No. I’d take my dying dick he hasn’t got a writ in his pocket.
[UK]‘G.B. Lancaster’ Sons O’ Men 237: There weren’t no old days; I’ll take my dick on that.

In phrases

up to dick

up to standard, as required, also attrib.; thus in negative, unwell, sick, wretched.

[UK] ‘’Arry on the Rail’ in Punch 13 Sept. 109/1: Our party was quite up-to-Dick, — you’re aweer as I never cuts low.
[UK]Sporting Times 27 Dec. 1/2: And the apples was up to dick, / For he prigged ’em out of the Garden .
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 21 Feb. 22/2: One day we remonstrated with her; when, rubbing her nose apologetically with a sauce-pan lid, she said she knew the ‘Saussingers wasn’t up to Dick,’ but thought there was something wrong with the range.
[UK]S.O. Addy Sheffield Gloss. (Supp.) 18: ‘That’s not up to dick’ means ‘That is not perfect’.
[Aus]Truth (Sydney) 9 Sept. 1/5: His Eggsellency sed it wasn’t fin-de-icicle or ‘hup to dick’ enuff for him.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 29 May 3/3: Your up-to-dick paper ought to have been brought out years ago.
[Aus]Riverina Recorder (Moulamein, NSW) 7 May 3/2: He did the honors of the press up to dick.
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘The “Tu-Tu”’ Sporting Times 3 June 1/4: There was shortly to be held / A most swagger entertainment, at which sundry magnates big, / With herself and May, as being ‘up to Dick,’ / Would be asked to dance a ballet in the regulation rig.
[UK][perf. Vesta Tilley] Seaside Walks 🎵 They both put on their Sunday best, they look dressed up to Dick.
[Aus]C.E.W. Bean Anzac Book 132: We keep their clothing up to dick, / Equip and arm ’em, too; / We rig out the returning sick / Almost as good as new.
[UK]R. Milward Man-Eating Typewriter 4: I am a meese omi and a coddy auteur to boot. My achievements [...] have not been up to dick.