codfish n.
1. a fool.
‘The Battle of Brooklyn’ in Satiric Comedies (1969) 90: Lord! – mem, did he not make codfish of them all at Boston! | ||
‘The Jolly Fisherman’ Universal Songster I 133: Fish, just like men, I’ve often caught, / Crabs, gudgeons, poor John, codfish. | ||
letter in Diary in Williams Diary and Letters (1922) I 106: We had silly ladies and weak lemonade [...] ill calculated to enliven the spirits of the ‘codfish’ of Kenyon. |
2. (also coddy) one who thinks themselves superior to their peers; also attrib.
Widow Bedott Papers (1883) 113: I’ve noticed that yer codfish gentility always dew. | ||
Western Police Gaz. (Cincinnati, OH) 29 Mar. n.p.: [I] will only [...] make a few enquiries in relation to the actions of several bucks and coddies [ibid.] When do you expect to renounce your apish manners and codfish mimickings. | ||
N.Y. Clipper 23 July 2/4: At the opera, the aristocracy, codfish and all other kinds [etc] . | ||
N.Y. by Gas-Light (1990) 172: And why need we look farther for the causes of that deep-seated hostility to the ‘codfish aristocracy’ which rolls its carriage-wheels over his toes and raises a cloud of dust in his eyes? | ||
Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 11 Apr. n.p.: The ladies of our upper tendom of the tribe codfish, are now in their element. | ||
Daily Tel. 4 Dec. 5/6: A few of the codfish, shoddy, and petroleum aristocracy. | ||
First Fam’lies in the Sierras 49: He allers was a kind of a prayin’ codfish eatin’ cuss. | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 2 Sept. 2/3: Oscar [Wilde] holds his ground well [...] even though the great American codfish aristocracy frown. | ||
Magnet 22 Feb. 10: Shut up, you greedy young codfish! | ||
Charwoman’s Daughter 184: She saw him as a codfish with a malignant eye. | ||
Goodbye to the Past 7: The Old Man shouted [...] that ‘all the goddam codfish aristocrats in Midland City were moving out to Fairhaven and he’d be hanged if he wanted to live in among a lot of real estate salesmen and bank cashiers and riffraff like that’. |
In derivatives
(US) an inhabitant of Boston, MA.
Boston Blade 10 June n.p.: The confounded east winds, with which we codfishopolitans have lately been blessed. |
In compounds
(US) the poor area of town.
in DARE. |