Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hornify v.

[horn n.1 ]

1. to cuckold.

[UK]R. Carew (trans.) Estienne’s World of Wonders 78: Thy wife hath hornified thee more than once.
[UK]R. Cotgrave Dict. of Fr. and Eng. Tongues n.p.: Apistoler ... to hornifie, or glue the blow that smarts not.
[UK] ‘Cuckolds Haven’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) III 39: Let every man that keeps a Bride / take heed hee bee not hornify’d.
[UK] ‘Cuckolds Haven’ in Chappell Roxburghe Ballads (1871) I 146: And then if Vulcan will but ride, some Cuckold shall be hornify’d.
[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Rabelais III 373: Who is to be the Copesmate of your Wife, and Hornifyer of your proper self [...] You will be the Hornepipe of Buzansay. That is to say, well horned, hornified and cornuted.
[UK]Westminster Frolick in Williams Dict. Sexual Lang. I 689: [She] has Hornified his head so brave, when she did backwards fall.
[UK]Motteux (trans.) Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) II Bk V 648: I already see him, like another Actaeon, horn’d, horny, hornify’d.
[UK]N. Ward Adam and Eve 18: If a Woman can gratify her Revenge by hornifying her Husband in an unknown Act, she will account it a Satisfaction to upbraid him with the same in an unknown Language.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 105: Encorner. To cuckold a husband; ‘to hornify’.

2. see horny adj. (2)