Green’s Dictionary of Slang

deuce v.

[deuce n.1 (6)/deuce n.1 (9a)]

1. (Aus.) to shear approximately 200 sheep in one day.

J. Sorenson Coll. Poems 32: I thought perhaps he may have chanced to hear / Of how I almost deuced them* at Murgoo. *’Deuce them’ – To shear 200 sheep [GAW4].

2. (US drugs) to sell two marijuana cigarettes.

[US] ‘Jargon of Marihuana Addicts’ in AS XV:3 Oct. 337/1: to deuce someone. To sell someone two cigarettes.

In exclamations

deuce it up!

(US prison) a command for the prisoners to form two lines.

[US]Rayman & Blau Riker’s 233: [U]sually we would yell, ‘Quiet down and deuce it up!’ But this time, I said, ‘Gentlemen, please give me two lines’.