Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tussocker n.

[Aus./N.Z. tussock land, uncultivated grassland used for sheep-grazing, across which he has travelled]

(Aus.) a tramp or vagrant pretending to seek work but actually keener on board and lodging.

V. Pyke Wild Will Enderby n.p.: Now, a ‘sun-downer,’ or ‘tussocker’... is a pastoral loafer; one who loiters about till dusk, and then makes for the nearest station or hut, to beg for shelter and food [F&H].
[NZ]P.L. Soljak N.Z. 118: Tussocker: hobo.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 116/1: tussocker shearer or casual labourer arriving at dusk to avoid work but not the tucker.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].