Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ranga n.

[SE orang-utan]

(Aus.) a redheaded person.

Google Groups: 24 Nov. 🌐 How many Redhead Ledheads are there? We are an endangered species (myself being part of the redheaded institution). Christie I know is one [...] but who else is there. - Rangas.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 1 Oct. 3/2: Ranga (Perth) A person with red hair.
3D World (Sydney) 27 July 32/1: How many Redhead Ledheads are there? We are an endangered species (myself being part of the redheaded institution). Christie I know is one (i hope she is or I've really been misinterpreting all these posts for the last few months), but who else is there. - Rangas.
mX (Sydney) 2 July 16/1: My boyfriend is a ginger as is my best friend and my sister. I sometimes call them ‘rangas’ but it’s only a term of endearment. 24 Aug. 🌐 The updates [to the Aus. Nat. Dict.] include slang terms such as 'ranga' (someone with red hair) and 'bogan' (someone uncultured).
[Aus]C. Hammer Opal Country 194: ‘Red-headed bogan’ [...] ‘Bring us the ranga—we’ll sort him out’.