Green’s Dictionary of Slang

crotch n.

[SE crotch, the fork or bifurcation of the legs; thus the genital area of either sex]

1. a woman, seen purely as an extension of her physical sexuality.

[[UK]M. Stevenson Norfolk Drollery 121: Such a mishap, such a ship-timber’d quean, / An ill-grown crotch, of the Forest of Dean. / A bunch-backt Camel, or a ragged Staff, / An object cou’d not make me love, but laugh?].
[US]G.V. Higgins Digger’s Game (1981) 142: I open the door and there’s this crotch at the desk there.
[US]S. King It (1987) 617: That shitty little cooze! [...] That cunt, that cooze, that nickleplated crotch!
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 3: crotch – promiscuous female.

2. (US milit.) constr. with the, capital C, the US Marine Corps.

(con. 1965) P. Caputo Rumor of War 251: ‘We’re in the Corps, P.J. The Crotch. Semper fi and fuck your buddy’.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

crotch cricket (n.) (also crotch monkey)

(US) a crab, a pubic louse.

Blushes & Bellylaffs 16: How to get rid of crotch crickets: Rub yourself with alcohol and sit in the sand ... they’ll get drunk and kill each other throwing rocks.
[US](con. 1916) G. Swarthout Tin Lizzie Troop (1978) 99: I’ll probably succumb and go and come back with a platoon of crotch crickets.
[US](con. 1940s) Deuce Ofay Productions ‘The Jive Bible’ at 🌐 (said while scratching vigorously) DAMN! I knew I shouldn’t a been hittin’ it wit’ yo’ sister, Brandan! Bitch’s crotch monkeys be swingin’ from her vines t’ mine!
crotch jockey (n.)

a womanizer.

[US]J.D. MacDonald Deep Blue Goodby 69: ‘I thought the room was empty. This crotch jockey had his little girl all turned on and steaming and they resented the interruption’.
crotch oil (n.)

(US) vaginal secretions that result from sexual foreplay.

J. Morgan on 🌐 Puss Juice: Bitch Butter, clam jam, crotch oil, fanny batter, flap snot, French Dip, goose grease, crotch gravy, love juice.
crotch rocket (n.)

a motorbike, esp. a dirt bike.

[US]L. Dills CB Slanguage.
West 57th [CBS-TV] They’re called everything from ‘super bikes’ to ‘crotch rockets.’ [HDAS].
[US]Mystery Science Theater 3000 25 Jan. in Maledicta Monitor n.p.: crotch rocket motorcycle, esp. dirt bike.
[US]C. Hiaasen Nature Girl 28: A high-end Kawasaki crotch rocket.
[US]M. McBride Swollen Red Sun 78: ‘Hundred and eighty, Dale. Black crotch rocket with a red helmet’.
crotch rot (n.)

(Can./US) a fungal infection of the groin.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (6th edn).
E. Jong Fear of Flying (1974) 48: You’ve given me indigestion! You’ve given me crotch rot!
[US](con. 1970) S. Wright Meditations in Green (1985) 68: And McFarland had crotch rot, and Ellis malaria again and Cross worried about his feet.
[UK]D. Mitchell Black Swan Green 361: ‘Crotch rot.’ Squelch shoved one hand down his pants and gave his grollies a good scratching.

In phrases

do a crotch (v.) (also crotch)

(N.Z. prison) to smuggle contraband in the vagina.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 49/2: do a crotch v. to insert a package of contraband into the vagina for the purposes of smuggling or safe­ keeping: ‘I've got some stuff I want picked up, so could you do a crotch and bring it back in?’ [women’s prison argot] [...] crotch v. = do a crotch: ‘I've got a stash I don’t want found, so could you crotch it for me until I get back from court?’.