Green’s Dictionary of Slang

touch up v.2

[ext. of touch v.1 ]

1. to rob someone.

[UK]‘An Amateur’ Real Life in London I 298: [He] touch’d ’em up rare / for a thousand in Bennet Street (all on the square).
[Aus]Eve. News (Sydney) 15 May 7/5: I went to Grafton mining works, where I gave them a good touch up. I laid hands on all I could get.
[US]Flynt & Walton Powers That Prey 214: When you’re in luck, p’r’aps I’ll touch you up again.

2. to blackmail someone.

[US]‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 69: As for the female, if I don’t tech her up, I’m a pup! Wonder how much she’d stand? Twenty dollars, I ’spose! Twenty dollars isn’t much for keepin’ dark!

3. (US) to approach for a loan or a favour.

[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 37: I began to wonder who I could touch up for a pass to some place or another.
[NZ]Marlborough Exp. (N.Z.) 3 June 3/2: They rest called Fred ‘cap’ when they wanted to touch him up till pay-day.
[UK]E. Bond Saved Scene vi: fred: Broke. You? mike: I’ll touch up the ol’ lady.
L. Tye Satchel 59: [H]e capitalized on his hero’s status by touching up Gus for ‘a few bucks’ to take Janet out in style.

4. to win money.

[US]S. Ford Shorty McCabe 38: He touched ’em up for a stack or two, but almost went to sleep over it.