Green’s Dictionary of Slang

eartha (kitt) n.

[rhy. sl.; ult. US singer Eartha Kitt (b.1928)]

1. excrement; also in fig. use [shit n. (1a)].

D. Shaw ‘Dead Beard’ at 🌐 This bint is a genuine bob cryer from way back, so I don’t take too much heed of the eartha kitt she’s shoveling into my lords and peers, but what the hell, my old three card trick is starting to sit up and take notice.

2. an act of defecation; also as in phr. not give an Eartha Kitt [shit n. (1b)].

[UK]B. Kirkpatrick Wicked Cockney Rhy. Sl.
[Ire]P. Howard Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightdress 166: If I wasn’t so bursting for an Eartha Kitt, I’m there. 25 Dec. 🌐 She was often a guest on The Morecombe and Wise Show, and I'm convinced Eric once said she or some other well-endowed lady had a nice pair of Earthas. No way. An Eartha is a shit. End of.

3. in pl. diarrhoea [shits, the n. (1)].

[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: Eartha Kitts rhym. slang Shits; diarrhoea.

4. in pl. breasts [tit n.2 (1)].

[UK]B. Dark Dirty Cockney Rhy. Sl. 49: She’s got a pair of Earthas that would make Dolly Parton weep.
see sense 2 .