Green’s Dictionary of Slang

servant n.

[SE service, usu. of an animal, to copulate]

1. a womanizer, a promiscuous man.

[UK]Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona II iv: val.: Sweet lady, entertain him To be my fellow-servant to your ladyship. sil.: Too low a mistress for so high a servant.
[UK]Marston Malcontent I iv: Believe me, a she-bitch! O ’tis a good creature; thou shalt be her servant.
[UK] ‘On the Ladies of the Court’ in Wilson Court Satires of the Restoration (1976) 6: Waldgrave is now out of date, / For all her servants now of late, / Have found her breath so stinking!

2. (N.Z. prison) a prison officer.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 162/2: servant a prison guard.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

servant’s entrance (v.) (also servant’s stairway) [SE servant’s entrance, usu. in the rear or bottom storey of the house]

the anus, in the context of sexual intercourse.

D. Hayes A Players’ Hide n.p.: Standing behind her [...] I held her as she was, dragged her drawers off [...] set her legs apart, sent Sir John in by the servants’ entrance [DSUE].
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1036/1: C.20.
[US]Harvard Indep. 14 Oct. 🌐 My personal interest in using the servant’s stairway begins somewhere with ‘Y Tu Mama Tambien’; anywhere Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal want to stick their fingers is fine by me.