Green’s Dictionary of Slang

poxhead n.

also pox bottle
[pox n.1 (1) + -head sfx (1)]

(Aus./Irish) a general term of abuse.

[Aus]Tracks (Aus.) May 5: I would like to send a big ‘piss off’ to all those blond haired, pink wetsuited trifin pox heads who constantly ask the most irrelevant of questions, ‘Are you a local?’ [Moore 1993].
[Ire]R. Doyle Van (1998) 444: I seen yeh, Bimbo insisted. – Yeh poxbottle fuck yeh; yeh did not! – I did, said Bimbo.
[Ire](con. 1970) G. Moxley Danti-Dan in McGuinness Dazzling Dark (1996) II i: You lying little pox bottle.
[Ire]F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 14: He’s another massive poxbottle. What’s so genius about writing a song about a brown-eyed girl?