Green’s Dictionary of Slang

poxy adj.

[pox n.1 (1)]

1. unpleasant, dirty, disgusting.

[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 6: How are the secondhand breeks? – They fit well enough, Stephen answered. [...] – The mockery of it, he said contentedly, secondleg they should be. God knows what poxy bowsy left them off.
[US]E. Walrond Tropic Death (1972) 145: A mulatto cane cutter, poxy progentitor of twenty-one husky mule driving sons.
[UK](con. WW1) P. MacDonald Patrol 221: ‘An’ here I am, about to be dessicayted by a lot o’ stinkin’ poxy Arabs’.
[UK]J. Franklyn This Gutter Life 149: Don’t you call my bloke boss-eyed – you poxy mare!
[UK]J. Curtis They Drive by Night 270: Call the poxy old bastard ‘your Worship’.
[Aus]‘Worribee Madge’ in Mess Songs & Rhymes of the RAAF 36: She’s lousy, she’s poxy, she lives on the street.
[UK]D. Reeve Smoke in the Lanes 42: Iffen you don’t shut yer bloody foxin’ mouth I’ll shut it fer you, you foxin’ bastard! Why you’m wusser’n a poxy German!
The Who ‘Christmas’ 🎵 on Tommy [album] Playing poxy pinball.
[US]J. Lahr Hot to Trot 181: You cheap two-bit trick! You poxy whore!
[Aus]A. Weller Day of the Dog 8: If ya gunna be poxy and not drink with ya old mates, all right.
[UK]J. Cameron It Was An Accident 59: Poxy fuckin’ tealeafing bastards.
[US]J. Franzen Corrections 133: A poxy interlocking constellation of scar tissue extended from his armpit down the inside of his arm to his elbow.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 153: The nosy-beaked cunt soon switches his miserable, budgerigar eyes back onto the poxy road.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Class Act [ebook] Sitting in Davie’s poxy car.

2. piffling; second-rate.

M. Peake Gormenghast 149: Every poxy sunrise of the year, eh, that you burst out of the decent darkness in that plucked way?
[UK]P. Barnes Ruling Class I xv: It’s a bit much o’ Sackstead sending me twenty million miles [...] to bandy words wi’ a poxy moon-looney who thinks he’s me.
[UK]F. Taylor Auf Wiedersehen Pet Two 252: Worse criminals than drunk drivers are turned loose in this poxy country!
[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 101: POXY — A show or gig that didn’t turn out to be as good a your mates said it was, or anything or anyone that you don’t like.
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 194: Two hundred poxy quid!
[UK]D. Mitchell Black Swan Green 7: Lee Biggs tried a poxy rugby tackle on me.
[Aus]L. Redhead Thrill City [ebook] A poxy movie where some middle-class ponce restores a gorgeous manor in Tuscany.
[Ire]Breen & Conlon Hitmen 226: ‘Mark can’t drive. Poxy driver, he is’.

In compounds

poxy-faced (adj.) (also pox-eyed, poxy-puss) [puss n.2 (2)]

a general term of abuse, lit. ‘syphilitic-faced’.

[UK]J. Curtis There Ain’t No Justice 141: We gawdamned poxy-eyed fighters ain’t s’posed to get to have any poncefied lousy brains in our think boxes, are we?
[Aus]S.L. Elliott Rusty Bugles I iii: You find your own line . . . you dirty little crabby pox-eyed . .
[Ire](con. 1940s) B. Behan Confessions 37: You poxy-faced bastard of a whore’s melt.
[Ire]P. Boyle At Night All Cats Are Grey 59: I [...] was shouting ‘Scar-face, Heel-ball, Poxy-puss’ with the best of them.