Green’s Dictionary of Slang

all alivo adj.

also all alive, all-alive-oh
[SE alive + -o sfx (5)]

alert, active.

[UK]‘A. Burton’ Adventures of Johnny Newcome III 162: A short excursion Suggested for a day’s diversion. — ‘My Boy, ’twill make you all alive!’.
[UK](con. 1840s–50s) H. Mayhew London Labour and London Poor I 65/1: Ha-a-ansome cod! best in the market! All alive! alive! alive O!
[UK] ‘’Arry on the River’ in Punch 9 Aug. 57/1: We kept that ’ere pub all-alive-oh, I tell yer, with song and with chorus.
[UK]J. Manchon Le Slang.