Green’s Dictionary of Slang

all a-mort adj.

[Fr. mort, dead]

shocked, surprised and thus rendered motionless.

[UK]G. Whetstone Historye of Promos and Cassandra n.p.: Ca. (A scoffing catch pole.) How now Giptian? All a mort knaue, for want of company?
Shakespeare Henry VI pt I III:2: Now where's the Bastard’s braves, and Charles his gleeks? What, all a-mort?
[UK]R. West Court of Conscience n.p.: You are indited here what all a-mort, / Hold vp your hand heare your inditment read.
[UK]T. Freeman Rubbe n.p.: Distaste our pallats, make vs All a Mort, / Our bodies of all faculties displace,.
[UK]R. Niccols Beggars Ape n.p.: Hee gull’d the simple beast and suckt him dry. / Who left for lorne returned all a mort.
[UK]J. Taylor Works 198: [W]hat all a mort, Why art thou so sad? [N]o, quoth shee. I am not sad, but I am studying which of our neighbours it is that is not a Cuckold.
[UK]I. Ambrose Media 158: [A]rt thou now all a mort? O what dulness, what drowziness, what security is this?
[UK]M. Lawrence Faith Universal 311: [S]o soon as he saw that intimation of Gods displeasure, his guilty Conscience strook him, and he was all a-mort.
[UK]J. Wilson Cheats 77: Bil. Why Captain—What? All a mort? T.T. Faith I was contemplating upon the pence.
[UK]J. Arrowsmith Reformation 32: Pacheco [D]amn me Madam all a mort?
[UK]T. Plunket Character of a Good Commander 9: ‘What! fellow Souldiers are we all a mort?’ / ‘How Woman-like do we our selves deport!’ ‘Where is our quondam courage?’.
[UK]E. Ward Journey to Hell 16: Within whose Bounds was held th’Infernal Court, / Without stood ghastly Prisoners All-a-mort.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: To be taken all-a mort; to be confounded, surprised, or motionless through fear.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1785].
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue [as cit. 1785].
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Stamford Mercury 30 Dec. 2/3: ‘You took me all A-mort,’ or confouned me.