Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bugle n.2

[play on horn n.2 (1b)]

1. the penis.

[UK]Crim.-Con. Gaz. 12 Oct. 239/1: Miss Rich [was] protesting unutterable attachment to him; and urging his study on the bugle horn in addition to that of the flute.
[US]L. Shecter On the Pad 84: George Piccolo, ‘a guy with a tremendous bugle on him,’.

2. (Irish) an erection.

[Ire]R. Doyle Van (1998) 395: He could’ve given himself a bugle now, out here in the hall, just remembering what she was like.
[Ire]O’Byrne Files: Dublin Sl. Dict. 🌐 Bugle n. Erection.

In compounds

bugle boy (n.) [one blows/blow v.2 (1c) a bugle/bugle n.2 ]

(US gay) a passive male homosexual.

[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 6: bugle boy (n.): Refers to the person who permits someone to perform fellation upon him. This term has come into vogue with the sophisticated college set.
[US] (ref. to early 1960s) B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 33: to suck a penis [...] play bugle boy (early ’60s, hetero college sl: ‘I let some fag play bugle boy, but I didn’t do one thing to help him come ... I’m not queer’).