Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lance-knight n.

also lanceman
[? Ger. Landsknechte, a mercenary soldier who, when not actually fighting, terrorized civilians]

1. a highwayman.

[UK]Nashe Praise of the Red Herring 53: He fell into the thieuish hands of malcontents and launceknights.

2. a horse-thief who owns his own horse.

[UK]Greene Second Part of Conny-Catching in Grosart (1881–3) X 76: The Priggar if he be a Launce man, that is, one that is already horst, then he hath more followers with him, and they ride like Gentlemen.
[UK]Dekker Belman of London G2: The Prigger, who trauailes vp and downe the whole kingdom vpon his gelding [...] [is] called a Prigging lance-man.