Green’s Dictionary of Slang

thirst n.

also thirsty

(drugs) the need for crack cocaine .

[US]L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 150: Twenty dollars for two pieces of soap. The thirsties will get you every time. No doubt about it. I was having a real bad Tuesday.

In compounds

thirst hospital (n.)

(Aus./US) a bar, a soda fountain.

[Aus]‘A “Push” Story’ in Bulletin (Sydney) 2 Sept. 17/1: ‘C’n y’r spill one in?’ ‘It’s me medicine,’ answered Fummy, as they moved off to meet the nearest thirst hospital .
[US]Amer. Druggist 57 78/1: No.4 [i.e. a soda-jerker] starts with ‘The Thirst Hospital’ as a heading and then describes the treatment received [...] He does not compare his soda with that of somebody else’s but merely mentions the coolness and variety of his [own].
thirst monster (n.)

(drugs) one who smokes crack cocaine to excess.

[US]ONDCP Street Terms 21: Thirst monsters — Heavy crack smokers.
H. Timm Forensics the Easy Way.