Green’s Dictionary of Slang

thirst factory n.

also thirst bazaar, thirst emporium, thirst parlor

(US) a bar; a tavern.

[US]St Paul Dly Globe (MN) 9 July 3/4: The other delgates adjourned to a convenient thirst factory where they beered up.
[US]‘Hugh McHugh’ Back to the Woods 14: I squeezed into the thirst parlor and bathed my injured feelings with sarsaparilla.
[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 31: Thirst bazaar where Mutt dropped in to grab a jolt of courage. [Ibid.] Last night he lingered in a thirst emporium to grab a few jolts for himself.
[Aus]C.M. Russell Trails Plowed Under 149: If you’ll lead me to a thirst parlor [...] I’ll buy somethin’ and you’re in on it.