Green’s Dictionary of Slang

thusly adv.

(US) thus, to sum things up.

[US]Harper’s Mag. Dec. 133/2: It happened, as J. Billings would say, ‘thusly’ .
[US]Pioche Jrnl (NV) 23 Sept. 3/1: The latest thing in the way of a soul-warmer that the youths of Pioche have got is a dingis made thusly [OED].
Boston Jrnl (MA) 17 Jan. 2/3: On his way home George mused thusly .
Lady Burton Life Sir R.F. Burton 3: Stories never lose anything in the recital, and consequently this one grew thusly .
[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.