Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bump n.3

[play on hit n. (3)]

1. a draw on a cannabis cigarette.

[US](con. 1969–70) D. Bodey F.N.G. (1988) 204: How about a quick bump off the bowl?

2. an inhalation of a powdered drug, usu. cocaine, usu. small; also as v. to inhale such a drug.

[US]New York Mag. 8 Dec. 49/4: Somebody gave me a bump of coke, but it turned out to be K.
[US](con. 1986) G. Pelecanos Sweet Forever 76: Wanna do a bump?
(con. 1980s) C. True Amer. Scream 92: The sorry scumbag had not shared one bump all night long.
[US]T. Dorsey Atomic Lobster 219: Can I have some? [...] Just a little bump!
[UK]K. Richards Life 261: If I feel I’m pushing it a little bit, need to relax it, have a little bump of smack.
[Aus]L. Redhead Thrill City [ebook] ‘It might be time for another bump, if you’re so inclined.’ He sniffed and rubbed his nose.
[US]T. Piccirilli Last Whisper in the Dark 241: He snorted another bump of meth.
[US]F. Bill Donnybrook [ebook] [N]eeding something he was out of, a bump of crank to subside this ache from within.
[Scot]I. Welsh Decent Ride 447: Take me to this faggot-assed club [...] and give me a fuckin bump of that shit!
[Ire]L. McInerney Glorious Heresies 39: [S]he would at least get a bump before getting herself back out there.
[UK]T. Thorne (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Bump - sniff a powdered drug.
[Ire]L. McInerney Rules of Revelation 179: [A] toddler [...] acting the way his father did after a Napoli win and a couple of bumps.

3. crack cocaine.

[US]‘Master Pimp’ Pimp’s Rap 131: Now there were only crackhead whores begging for a bump (a small quantity of crack).
[US]W.T. Vollmann Royal Family 216: Crack coke (also known as white girl or bump). [Ibid.] 351: You got any bump?

4. fake crack cocaine.

[US]ONDCP Street Terms 4: Bump — [...] fake crack.

5. one dose of ketamine.

[US]ONDCP Street Terms 4: Bump — [...] hit of ketamine ($20).
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 33/2: bump n. a tiny heap of powdered ketamine.

6. a piece of crack cocaine, ready for smoking or crushed up into a ‘line’ for inhaling.

[US]J. Stahl Plainclothes Naked (2002) 186: Oh yeah [...] This shit’s off the hook! We got tootonium here. I left a bump for you.

7. in fig use, a portion of a psychological or other non-narcotic addiction.

[US]T. Fontana ‘Straight Life’ Oz ser. 1 ep. 5 [TV script] Some people get hooked on love. And like any fiend on the street, you always need another bump. ‘Just one more bump, man, just one more bump’.

8. a (wholesale-sized) portion of cocaine.

[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 323: He knew he was scoring a big big bump of carlos.