hit n.
1. in fig. use, a success.
(a) a successful coup of any sort, usu. based on crime.
French Rogue 180: [of church robbery] My Store recruited by these lucky Hits, / To FFranceI steer'd, to re-imploy my Wits. | ||
Drummer I i: Why, faith, thou wert a very lucky hit, that’s certain. | ||
Chit-Chat I ii: A fair Hit. | ||
Roxana (1982) 359: But as it happened, things came to a hit better than we expected. | ||
‘Rolling Blossom’ in Festival of Anacreon in Wardroper Lovers, Rakers and Rogues (1995) 179: Yet every hit he brought the bit / And then we spent it rumly. | ||
Works (1796) IV 85: Caesar and Drover haggle – diff’rence split – How much? – a shilling! what a royal hit! | ‘The Royal Tour’||
Blue Devils 36: This is a luckier hit than the other! | ||
Real Life in London II 96: ‘The lucky hit was all a miss.’ ‘Yes, there was a Miss taken, and a Biter bit. Love is a lottery as well as life.’. | ||
Life in the West I 51: When he made a ‘hit,’ he immediately paid off what bills he could. | ||
Cockney Adventures 3 Feb. 112: Well, this is a luckey hit. | ||
Adventures of Mr Ledbury III 265: Those pills have been a great hit. | ||
Era (London) 3 June 3/4: As I made a hit on it over the Derby with my prophecy, I means to have another shy. | ||
(con. 1840s–50s) London Labour and London Poor III 29/2: I sould ’em two for three-ha’pence. That was a good hit. | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 12 Oct. n.p.: The biggest ‘hit’ they [i.e. a team of pickpockets] say they made was at a ‘push’ at Folkestone. | ||
Sketches of the Cattle Trade 390: He concluded that a train load of cookstoves would be a ‘hit.’ [...] Of course the profits were enormous. | ||
Man Traps of N.Y. 25: If they make a ‘hit’ the money invariably goes into the faro bank. | ||
Artie (1963) 104: I seem to be makin’ a horrible hit with you to-night. | ||
‘Bound for the Lord-Knows-Where’ in Roderick (1967–9 II) 197: ‘We have made a hit,’ or ‘we’ve made a bit,’ / And we’re bound for the lord-knows-where. | ||
Alaska Citizen 21 July 6/4: Fashion never made a better ‘hit’ than when she originated the stock cut with points at the sides. | ||
Britain Through Gipsy Eyes 76: ‘I once had a lucky hit,’ said Jack. ‘A young toff whose uncle had died asked me to clear out some old papers and books [...] and they fetched four quid.’. | ||
Across the Board 309: Fusco made a hit on the horses. | ||
Manchild in the Promised Land (1969) 167: With the Murphy, if you made one good hit, you came up with maybe two or three hundred dollars. | ||
Gonif 95: We were all jumpy, but the big hit was developing. | ||
Secrets of Harry Bright (1986) 47: She uttered little growls of ecstasy when she made a hit on a bag of dope. | ||
Paydirt [ebook] [S]he was bombarding him with ideas for the Steelgard hit. | ||
Guardian G2 22 July 14: Currently proving a big hit north of the border. |
(b) a success, usu. in show business.
Way of the World II v: A hit, a hit! a palpable hit! I confess it. | ||
Vicar of Wakefield (1883) 31: My wife called a council on the conduct of the day. She was of the opinion that it was a most fortunate hit. | ||
Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) I 106: They paid me a hundred compliments during supper. Not a word escaped me, but they magnified it into an admirable hit! | (trans.)||
Eng. Spy I 415: After the hit I made in Monsieur Tonson, it’s d---d hard they don’t write more Frenchmen. | ||
Bk of Sports 36: His performance [...] proved such a decided hit. | ||
Sel. Letters (1983) 20 Mar. 17: The ‘bitch’ appears tonight for the first time. I reckon she’ll make a hit. | Letter in Saxon||
in House Scraps (1887) 154: Your Almanack has failed to make a ‘hit’. | ||
in Ghost Walks (1988) 6: Her character song is one of the greatest hits ever made. | ||
Wilds of London (1881) 90: There is the Delightful Robinson in his last hit of ‘The Perambulator; or, Jemima’s Young Guard’. | ||
Won in a Canter I 173: [of social success] Shirkington had tired of Brighton, people had somehow or other got hold of what he had been, and he had not made the hit he calculated on. | ||
Lays of Ind (1905) 69: ‘So fair a creature in Madras will make a hit’. | ||
Fifty ‘Bab’ Ballads 240: This part was smaller, by a bit / Than that in which he made a hit. | ‘The Haughty Actor’||
Artie (1963) 7: He was the real papa—the hit o’ the piece. | ||
Actors’ Boarding House (1906) 22: I ain’t a hit with the wimmen. [Ibid.] 36: A hoped-for ten-dollar advance on salary owing to the unexpected hit they scored! | ||
Man with Two Left Feet 160: I feel sure it is going to be a hit. | ‘Black For Luck’ in||
(con. 1900s) Elmer Gantry 99: And to be a husky makes a hit with the whole congregation, men’s as well as women. | ||
N.Z. Truth 14 Nov. 6/4: You have only to hear him give one of his evergreen ‘hits’ to appreciate that the stage lost something when the Canon chose Book and bell. | ||
I Can Get It For You Wholesale 221: When I saw some of those boozehounds actually set their glasses down so they could clap their hands, I knew the line was a hit. | ||
Indiscreet Guide to Soho 34: It turned out to be the biggest hit in the history of British movies. | ||
Norman’s London (1969) 203: My first play [...] was a smash hit and ran for two years and one week. | in New Statesman 2 Dec. in||
Family Arsenal 248: She’s made a great hit with Araba’s friends, I can tell you. | ||
London Fields 260: I’m a hit with all the wrong chicks. | ||
Indep. Rev. 10 Sept. 19: One of the hits of the decade. | ||
Guardian G2 6 Jan. 5: Didn’t they have a big hit in 1967? | ||
Intractable [ebook] The play became an instant hit for McNeil and drew plaudits from around Australia and beyond. |
(c) (US gambling) a winning series of numbers in ‘policy’ gambling or in a lottery.
in N.Y. Judicial Repository hit: a winning number in a lottery [DU]. | ||
Morning Courier and N.-Y. Enquirer 12 May 2/4: Mrs. Fonnell it appeared made a hit of $100 on her policy. | ||
Policy Players (1874) 3: Some of my heaviest players are getting discouraged [...] It would be a good idea [...] [to] let them get a hit, in order to keep their custom [DA]. | ||
Porter’s Spirit of the Times (N.Y.) 20 Dec. 261/3: This [lottery ticket] was number 37149, and it was a hit for $3,000, if it had been genuine instead of bogus [DA]. | ||
Brooklyn Dly Eagle (NY) 9 Feb. 2/5: The poorest and lowest [...] will risk their last cent for the prospect of a ‘hit’ in policy. | ||
Insolence of Office 60: If the [policy] player wins it is called a ‘hit.’ If there has been a big ‘hit’ or a lot of winners the banker sometimes stages a fake raid to get out of paying his losses. | ||
Tucker’s People (1944) 56: All hits under $100 were paid off by the controllers. | ||
DAUL 96/2: Hit, n. The simultaneous holding by many bettors of the winning number in the policy numbers racket. | et al.||
Imabelle 59: You did say you’d had a hit. | ||
Rage in Harlem (1969) 60: [as 1957]. | ||
Carlito’s Way 28: It’s like he would sense a heavy hit coming. |
(d) a good impression.
John Henry 17: Coquelin made an awful hit with my lady friend. | ||
Sorrows of a Show Girl Ch. iv: She had been telling one of the members of the party who she was trying to make a hit with that she got her money from her large estates in England. | ||
Psmith Journalist (1993) 222: You’ve certainly made the biggest kind of hit with Bat. | ||
Coll. Short Stories (1941) 73: I guess I made quite a hit with Roy’s B.F. | ‘Zone of Quiet’ in||
Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing 322: Did you notice how busy those newspaper men got every time I made a hit? | ||
Sudden Takes the Trail 15: Jim has made a hit with them. | ||
letter 14 July in Charters I (1995) 496: Gregory makes big hit with Boston socialites and Harvard boys and girls. |
2. in the context of crime or violence.
(a) an attempted crime, esp. a robbery.
Port Folio 8 Aug. 125: To nimming Ned I went to bed, / Who look’d but queer and glumly, / Yet every hit, he brought the bit, / And then we spent it rumly. | ||
Howard Street 42: A big spender, or an easy hit, or someone she’d robbed. | ||
Vulture (1996) 87: I met Cooly [...] and told him that the hit was off. | ||
Cop Team 114: All the other hits [i.e. sexual assaults] were in Linden. | ||
NZEJ 13 32: hit n. 1. Object or act of burglary or assault. | ‘Boob Jargon’ in||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 87/2: hit n. 1 an object or act of burglary or assault [...] do a hit with the golfball eyes to carry out a theft or an assault wearing a balaclava. |
(b) (UK Und.) a murder, esp. a ‘contracted’ gangster killing.
Enforcer [film script] It was a hit. I had the contract. | ||
Return of the Hood 23: Nobody’s nothing with the murder squad when they think you pulled a big hit. | ||
Friends of Eddie Coyle 19: They traced the goddamned thing back to some guy that used it on a hit. | ||
Wiseguy (2001) 107: It didn’t take anything for these guys to kill you. They liked it. They would [...] talk about their favorite hits. | ||
Real Thing 9: There’s going to be a hit on you this Saturday night. | ||
Monster (1994) 50: She was specifically targeted and a hit was put on her. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 87/2: hit n. a (contract) killing, assault or theft. | ||
Random Family 108: George put out a contract on Jessica. The plan for the hit was overheard. | ||
Rosa Marie’s Baby (2013) [ebook] Easing up on the hits and limb dislocations. | ||
Alphaville (2011) 317: Have you ever heard of these guys putting a hit on us? | ||
IOL Cape Western News (SA) 14 Feb. 🌐 I know Monenberg . . . It’s gangland. That was a hit, plain and sdimple. | ||
Killing Pool 128: This kid has been hacked up. It’s not a hit — it’s a message. | ||
Hitmen 38: The real orchestrators of the hit were the Kinahans. | ||
Boy from County Hell 225: He told Suzane about the hit and she sighed at him. | ||
Orphan Road 39: Bent cops were suspected of facilitating the hit. |
(c) (US Und.) the target/victim of an assassination.
Enforcer [film script] A murder is a contract. A hit is the sucker that gets killed. | ||
On the Yard (2002) 256: He was able to determine that the Hit, for that was how he thought of Juleson, the Hit moved in a limited pattern that never seemed to vary. | ||
Blackstone Rangers 73: ‘If the hit is inside, then another Stone, he’ll act as a lure. He’ll go inside and he’ll find him and he’ll say, Come on out, man, like I got a reefer or some real nice wine’. |
(d) (US Und.) an attack against a rival gang or gang member.
in Star Trek [NBC-TV] What’s the matter? You guys never saw a hit before? [HDAS]. | ||
Yardie 64: Dem must know the hit missed. | ||
Guardian G2 12 July 17: When the victim of a mob hit protests his innocence, he is advised: ‘I got fucking Johnny Cochrane here for you’. |
3. a portion of alcohol or drugs.
(a) a single drink of alcohol.
Vulture (1996) 54: I poured myself a small hit. | ||
Duke of Deception (1990) 170: Boys who liked to sneak a coffin nail or a hit off a bottle of Four Roses. | ||
(con. 1975–6) Steel Toes 20: Take a hit from the tomato jack and light a Camel. |
(b) a swig of liquid, a measure of anything.
Ladies’ Man (1985) 86: I had [...] a hit of coffee. | ||
Skin Tight 106: Timmy Gavigan took another hit of oxygen. | ||
Reach 39: When I’m at work I take hits from a hipflask in the toilets. | ||
Right As Rain 203: Quinn was nearby, shouting out encouragement between hits from a can of beer. | ||
(con. 1991-94) City of Margins 15: Pags [...] takes a quick hit. |
(c) the effect that follows the taking of any drug or drink.
John Barleycorn (1989) 171: Alcohol became more and more imperative [...] I had to get the kick and the hit of the stuff. | ||
Narcotics Lingo and Lore. | ||
Dealer 57: Actually I like it better with a little cut in it, gives it a more pleasant hit. | ||
Curvy Lovebox 29: I get a better hit off of your sister’s pussy dandruff. | ||
Guardian Rev. 10 Mar. 2: Nice hit, yeh? | ||
Luck in the Greater West (2008) 129: Fadi doubted he’d like the hit of beer. He didn’t even enjoy the hit of pot. | ||
Trio 4: Elfrida [...] sipped at her vodka and orange juice, finishing it quickly, and then poured herself another, feeling the buzz, the reassuring hit. |
(d) (drugs) a purchase of a drug.
AS XI:2 122/2: hit. A word from the very cryptic and compact peddler-addict argot, used when delivering dope to the addict. While a direct translation is difficult, it signifies in general that the sale is consummated. | ‘Argot of the Und. Narcotic Addict’ Pt 1 in||
AS XXVII:1 26: HIT, n. A meeting with a drug peddler. | ‘Teen-age Hophead Jargon’||
Narcotics Lingo and Lore. | ||
Angel Dust 73: These ‘T-tabs’ cost $2 per ‘hit’ (per tablet). | et al.||
Outside In Act II: I’m always payin’ for your fucken hits. | ||
A2Z. | et al.||
Observer 2 Apr. 16: A bunch of squiffy dopeheads queuing outside their local 7-11 Drugs-R-Us for ten-bob hits? |
(e) (drugs) a puff on a cigarette, marijuana cigarette or pipe.
Flee the Angry Strangers 247: Take harder hits on it; don’t sip it like you’re scared. | ||
(con. 1950s) Man Walking On Eggshells 206: Man, let me have a hit off that reefer you smoking. | ||
Family Arsenal 72: ‘It’s the last hit.’ Brodie gave him the cigarette. | ||
Muscle for the Wing 32: He plucked the joint from her lips and took a hit. | ||
(con. 1964-65) Sex and Thugs and Rock ’n’ Roll 212: I was totally fucked-up on one hit. | ||
(con. 1960s) London Blues 171: Some black cat was rolling joints [...] I took a few hits and wandered out to the front steps to get some fresh air. | ||
Dreamcatcher 398: ‘You want a hit?’ the one with the joint asked. | ||
Swollen Red Sun 64: He drew long, slow hits from the joint. |
(f) (drugs) a portion of any drug, a tablet of amphetamine or barbiturate; an injection or a line of heroin or cocaine, a ‘trip’ of LSD etc; cite 2012 refers to packages of heroin.
Golden Spike 159: Do you think you can get a hit? | ||
Shake Him Till He Rattles (1964) 14: ‘You want a hit?’ ‘What you got?’ Furg asked. ‘Good stuff. Schmeck’. | ||
Property Of (1978) 91: You’re not holding now? [...] Don’t you know I’m carrying my last hit? | ||
Totally True Diaries of an Eighties Roller Queen 🌐 10 May I [...] went to the Roxy. I danced with Wayne. He was on a hit of acid. | ||
What Do You Reckon (1997) [ebook] Smackies gotta have a hit of heroin. | ‘Racist Yes, Sexist Fine’ in||
(con. 1986) Sweet Forever 17: Once you did your first hit, you were thinking about your next right away. | ||
NZEJ 13 32: hit n. 2. Intravenous drug injection. | ‘Boob Jargon’ in||
Grits 12: When ee needs anothuh hit, or thuh money fuh oner, God, then no bastards’ safe. | ||
Sucked In 205: I poured my loose change into her hand [...] ‘Get yourself a hit’. | ||
Life 297: It [i.e. heroin] was incredibly powerful [...] One hit of it pure and boom. Good-bye. | ||
Rough Riders 125: They took my last two hits from my purse. | ||
Blacktop Wasteland 251: Reggie took another hit. He hadn’t done coke in a long time. |
(g) (drugs) the act of injecting a narcotic drug; the injection itself.
in Evergreen Rev. 61: At the third attempt she found a vein and the blood rose up through the needle into the eye-dropper and appeared as a dark red tongue in the colourless solution. ‘Hit,’ she said softly, with a slow smile. | ||
Howard Street 230: At last he got a hit, and breathed a sigh of relief as the drug ejaculated into a vein. | ||
Stay Hungry 145: The biggest hit ever – eighth of an ounce of pure speed. I just shot it up. | ||
Love Is a Racket 255: Maybe that’s [i.e. cannabis] what kept her going between needle hits. | ||
(con. 1975–6) Steel Toes 125: Taking out her kit, [she] starts mixing a hit as she’s talking. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 87/2: hit n. 2 an intravenous drug injection. |
(h) (drugs) a puff on a crack cocaine pipe.
🎵 Do anything for a hit or two; / Give the bitch a rock and she’ll fuck your whole damn crew . | ‘Dopeman’||
(con. 1982–6) Cocaine Kids (1990) 107: Two men dicker about who took the last ‘hit’ (puff). | ||
Yardie 38: The high of a crack ‘hit’ only lasted a short time. | ||
Plainclothes Naked (2002) 241: Tony sucked in a lung-numbing hit — there was some gunky resin lodged in the bottom [of the crack pipe]. |
(i) in fig. use, a stimulus.
Spidertown (1994) 69: I believe in crack I believe in it ’cause it saved me took me out gave me a hit on high life gave me a hit on power on the juice. | ||
PS, I Scored the Bridesmaids 207: Coming face to face with one of them [i.e. a Great White shark] would be the ultimate hit. |
4. (Aus.) a style, a philosophy.
Sport (Adelaide) 4 Jan. 13/2: They Say [...] That Harry W. is still on the ‘Mop it up and have one more’ hit. |
5. an example of suffering or loss.
(a) (US Und.) a prison sentence or denial of parole.
Journal of Murder in Gaddis & Long (2002) 49: He got five years in Leavenworth. Later on he got another and bigger hit. | ||
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). | ||
Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 77: The first hit you get will be a small bit / but that won’t worry you so. | ||
Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit 15: With so many box hits, she couldn’t finish any of the [...] programs the knuckleheads like to see. |
(b) (US Und.) an arrest or other form of problem.
When Shadows Fall 197: ‘You carry on with your plan, Lieutenant. But call me before you make the hit’. | ||
Official Kresky Homepage 🌐 He set me up on a bad deal and I took the hit for it. | ||
Life 439: True friends [...] keep jumping in front of each other to save each other. Me, no, me, I’ll take the hit. |
(c) (N.Z. prison) .
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 87/2: hit n. 3 a cell-search. |
(d) a loss.
Angel of Montague Street (2004) 33: You will make money [...] but you still gotta take a hit now and then. | ||
Broken 205: ‘Duke can take the hit’. | ‘Sunset’ in
6. a single example.
(a) (US) an instance, an attempt or time.
Fear and Loathing 139: Second-rate academic hustlers who get anywhere from $500 to $1000 a hit for lecturing. | ||
Only Fools and Horses [TV script] Now it’s gotta be six or seven quid a hit these days innit? | ‘As One Door Closes’
(b) in gambling, a single card.
Muscle for the Wing 18: Take a hit, honey. | ||
Super Casino 3: He [the blackjack gambler] pointed toward the queen of clubs and tapped the table with his forefinger. This meant he was ready for a ‘hit"—another card to go with his queen. |
In derivatives
the fig. world of success.
Hollywood Reporter 12 Jul. 🌐 Box office preview: Taking slow ‘Road’ to hitsville. |
In compounds
a user of crack cocaine.
Iced 59: You could do quiet deals in your apartment! . . . just you and a couple of hit-heads you know. |
(drugs) a house where users go to inject narcotics and leave the owner drugs as payment.
Workin’ It 119: There are hit houses in the projects [...] These are houses you can go to hit. | ||
ONDCP Street Terms 12: Hit house — House where users go to shoot up and leave the owner drugs as payment. |
1. a list of those scheduled for assassination.
Time 5 Jan. 46: One intelligence official, however, bitterly labeled Counter-spy’s roster of CIA agents as nothing more or less than a ‘hit list’. | ||
Guardian G2 7 July 15: His daughter, an academic not active in politics, was put on a government ‘hit list’, a fate often entailing lethal ‘accidents’. | ||
Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 36: I thought about Biz’s C.O. hit list. [...] Should I take his threat seriously? | ||
Word Is Bone [ebook] He was listening to the snarls and yelps of the dogfight, consulting that old shitlist or hitlist or whatever he kept in his head. |
2. any list that details tasks that are to be carried out.
Maclean’s (Toronto) 21 Feb. 29: One top mandarin is convinced that the Tories are keeping a ‘hit list’ of Liberal civil servants who would be dumped. | ||
Therapy (1996) 3: The Before You Leave The Flat hit-list that Sally had written out and stuck on the fridge door. |
1. (US Und.) a hold-up man.
AS VI:6 439: hit man, n. A hold-up man. | ‘Convicts’ Jargon’ in||
Fields of Fire (1980) 25: Afraid that some hit man would Just Know that fifty dollars bulged inside his wallet. | ||
Hood Rat 113: Pilgrim was fifteen, known as muscle that would come down, rob someone and beat them up. He was like a hit man. |
2. (orig. US) a hired or ‘contract’ killer.
Bagombo Snuff Box (1999) 168: They could expect to be killed by a hit man, unless they fled to some godforsaken country where the Mafia didn’t have a chapter. | ‘A Present for Big Saint Nick’ in||
Knapp Commission Report Dec. 92: [T]he Commission learned of [...] narcotics-related corrupt conduct on the part of police officers, such as: [...] Offering to obtain ‘hit men’ to kill potential witnesses. | ||
Real Thing 82: [H]e just stood staring incredulously at the po-faced hit man. | ||
Skin Tight 60: The hit man known as Chemo was not nearly as resourceful. | ||
Source Oct. 150: Crack czar Nigga Charlie and his motley crew of contract hit men, runners and steerers. | ||
Black Tide (2012) [ebook] Could be a cardinal, could be a fucking hitman. | ||
Observer Mag. 15 Jan. 14/2: New forensic evidence [...] will show that the two hit-men – ‘those muppets’ – were wrongly convicted. | ||
Alphaville (2011) 213: School Boy may look like a kid who’s lost his dog, but he’s a hit man who’s killed dozens. | ||
Thrill City [ebook] I can’t imagine even hitmen want to spend time in our nation’s capital, so you’ll be quite safe there. | ||
ThugLit Feb. [ebook] I was the babysitter to a couple of hitmen. | ‘Brass’ in||
What They Was 199: Gotti says we should do this gunman ting [...] become hitmen. | ||
Hitmen 71: Eric had made his name as a hitman. | ||
Stoning 230: [A] hit man [...] had promised to make Manolis his first assignment on release. | ||
Riker’s 168: Joey Meldish, who was a hit man for the Genovese, for any family who wanted. He was freelance. |
3. in fig., non-violent use.
(con. 1949) True Confessions (1979) 327: His Eminence Cardinal Danaher [...] the Right Reverend Monsignor Desmond Spellacy [...] Not the kind of hit men ordinarily found on a dais. | ||
Ends of Power 5: Chuck Colson had become the President’s personal ‘hit man’; his impresario of ‘hard ball’ politics. |
4. one who performs non-lethal violence for money.
in Living Dangerously 169: At school there’s a guy, thirteen, who’s the school hit man. |
(Aus.) a demanding physical effort.
Godson 154: Peregrine didn’t fall behind at all and even appeared to be enjoying the bit of a hit out. |
(US) a female hired killer.
TV Guide A 16 Oct. 70: ‘Hit Lady,’ a 1974 TV-movie written by and starring Yvette Mimieux as an artist who works part-time as a syndicate assassin. | ||
TV Guide A 10 Dec. 7: Of course he’s got to be assassinated and an international hit woman is hired. | ||
Wonder Woman 10 Feb. [CBS-TV] Violet used to be our number-one hit lady. | ||
Giveadamn Brown (1997) 78: Maybe you want her for some kind of hit girl [...] Margo Hilliard is a professional killer [...] they used to call her ‘The Electric Knife’. | ||
Reporter Dispatch 14 Feb. A14: Blanche Wright, accused ‘hit’ woman. |
In phrases
(orig. US) to make a favourable impression.
Life in London (1859) 37: Teach me to make a hit of so Kean a quality that it may not only ‘tell,’ but be long remembered in the metropolis . | ||
Poems (1846) V 197: Nor yet did the heiress herself omit The arts that help to make a hit [F&H]. | ||
London Figaro 10 June n.p.: To make a great hit is, after all, more a matter of chance than merit [F&H]. | ||
Pall Mall Gazette 3 July n.p.: Madam Melba makes an especial hit in the valse from Romeo et Juliette [F&H]. | ||
Fables in Sl. (1902) 63: A certain Preacher became wise to the fact that he was not making a Hit with his Congregation. | ||
Actors’ Boarding House (1906) 98: The’re makin’ one big hit with me, all right. | ||
Score by Innings (2004) 396: He’s loaded with the sort of talk that seems to make a hit with women. | ‘Excess Baggage’ in||
Inimitable Jeeves 50: I mean you wanting to make a hit Honoria Glossop. | ||
(con. 1920s) Studs Lonigan (1936) 387: And I hear you made a hit with them. | Young Manhood in||
Diamonds Are Forever (1958) 63: You seem to have made quite a hit with Shady this morning. | ||
Gun in My Hand 45: Ya not a bad sorta joker or ya couldna made a hit with Rata. | ||
Carlito’s Way 118: I could see I made a big hit with the boys. Fuck ‘em. I’m fighting for my life. |
(drugs) a marijuana pipe that contains just enough for a single inhalation.
🌐 Check this phat 2" color changing, one hitter glass bat. Made with highly silver fumed glass for extreme color changing properties. Perfect for keeping in your pocket just in case you crave a quick smoke. | Glass Pipes Home||
🌐 Choose a small one-hit bowl to avoid leaving burning material in the bowl after your lungs are full. | ‘A Look at the Hookah’ at Totse.com||
Love Without 168: She took a quick suck off her one-hitter. | ‘Pure’ in||
Mother Jones July/Aug. 🌐 I find a one-hitter pipe made out of a pen. | ||
Pineapple Street 5: Sasha discovered [...] a one-hitter with an old yellow lighter hidden in the back of a drawer. |
(US campus) fashionable, chic.
Street Talk 2 21: That car’s on hit! | ||
Da Bomb 🌐 20: On hit: When something is cool or happening. |
1. to suffer.
Snitch Jacket 86: His pride took a hit, because Mom had to pay the bills. |
2. to lose value.
What Fire Cannot Burn 114: His property value was going to take a hit having a Mexican living next door. |