Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cut v.6

[SE cut off]

1. of a man, to have sexual intercourse.

[UK] ‘Sal Stuff’ in Ri-tum Ti-tum Songster 11: I have sitch a vinning manner, / You’re welcome to cut at me, if you can raise a tanner.
[US]Bo Carter ‘Banana in Your Fruit Basket’ 🎵 Now my baby got the meat / And I’ve got the knife / I’m gonna do her cutting / This bound to solve [?] my life.
‘Hunter and Jenkins’ ‘Meat Cuttin’ Blues’ 🎵 You’s a good butcher and I like your meat / I know that your cuttin’ can’t be beat / I like it like that.
[US] in Randolph & Legman Ozark Folksongs and Folklore (1992) II 635: Cut it once, cut it twice, / Third time I cut it was gooey and nice.
[US]G. Underwood ‘Razorback Sl.’ in AS L:1/2 57: cut vt [...] 3: (male use) Have coitus with (a female).

2. (orig. US) to stab or slash.

[US]J. Flynt Tramping with Tramps 107: He always has his razor with him, and will ‘cut’ whenever there is provocation.
[US]Odum & Johnson Negro Workaday Songs 66: I can cuss, I can cut, / I can shoot a nigger up.
[US]Z.N. Hurston Mules and Men (1970) 71: He figgered he could outshoot and outcut any man on de road and if de man tried to kill him he’d git kilt hisself.
[US]N. Algren Neon Wilderness (1986) 32: Nothin’ happened. Ah cut him, that’s all.
[US]C. Himes ‘Friends’ in Coll. Stories (1990) 267: Lawd, fightin’ killin’ ’n cuttin’ hellbound gone with a heart full o’ sin.
[UK]B. Hill Boss of Britain’s Underworld 5: Night after night some thief or other was cut, or his head was bashed in.
[US]H. Rhodes Chosen Few (1966) 32: First thing I heard was that he cut some guy [...] and threatened to cut his CO if he got court-martialed.
[US]Meyer & Ebert Beyond Valley of the Dolls [film script] You touch him and I’ll cut you.
[UK]P. Fordham Inside the Und. 131: There is no suggestion [...] that gangster leaders themselves went around ‘cutting’ – i.e. knifing.
[US](con. 1940s–60s) H. Huncke ‘The Law of Retribution’ in Eve. Sun Turned Crimson (1998) 175: I was held up at knife point and told to give up my junk or get cut.
[UK] in R. Graef Living Dangerously 97: If they cut you and don’t kill you, they’ll be hunted until you get them.
[UK]N. Barlay Crumple Zone 111: If he’s a teef or a bag-bwoy or he cut someone for nu’in, he needs wha’ever he needs to straighten him out.
[US]Mother Jones July/Aug. 🌐 He asks us what we should do if we see two inmates stabbing each other. [...] We could try to break up a fight if we wanted, he says, but [...] he wouldn't recommend it. [...] ‘So if them fools want to cut each other, well, happy cutting’.
[US]Rayman & Blau Riker’s 69: These guys was disrespectfully cutting Black people and cutting Latino people that’s not down with them.

3. to divide, to receive or take a share, e.g. of a manager who takes a percentage of an artist’s or sportsman’s earnings or of criminals dividing up loot.

[US]J.F. Lillard Poker Stories 197: The latter naively suggested that it was time to ‘cut up the coin.’ ‘What do you mean?’ asked the official. ‘Why, I want my piece,’ was the reply.
[US]A.H. Lewis Confessions of a Detective 203: That old snaffler of a Jew wanted to cut it in two with me.
[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 100: He cut it [i.e. $30,000] with Tobasco.
[US]Van Loan ‘A Rain Check’ in Ten-Thousand-Dollar Arm 299: I know where you went to cut the money.
[US]D. Runyon ‘The Snatching of Bookie Bob’ in Runyon on Broadway (1954) 129: We cut this scratch three ways.
[US]R. Chandler ‘Trouble Is My Business’ in Spanish Blood (1946) 204: Any reason why a nice girl shouldn’t cut herself a piece of five million bucks?
[US]Drake & Cayton Black Metropolis 485: He amassed a fortune from the nickels and dimes that he ‘cut’ from crap games at his ‘emporium’.
[US]A.J. Liebling ‘The University of Eighth Avenue’ in A Neutral Corner (1990) 28: The fighter’s manager wouldn’t cut the fighter because the guy was broke.
[US]C. Himes Big Gold Dream 75: She sold food and drinks and she cut the blackjack game.
[US]M. Rumaker Exit 3 and Other Stories 98: When you sell that necklace, now you just cut it with the rest of us.
D.H. Edwards The World Don’t Owe Me Nothing 162: I was supposed to get a cut from the crap table but Chapman didn't know how much I was winning.

4. to adulterate, to dilute, to weaken.

(a) to adulterate alcohol, typically of bootleggers making illicit liquor; thus cutting plant n., a place where the adulteration takes place.

[US]B. Cormack Racket Act I: (He drinks the rest of the whiskey) [...] pratt: You’d better cut that stuff. miller: It’s cut plenty before I get it.
[US]Phila. Eve. Bulletin 5 Oct. 40/3: Here are a few more terms and definitions from the ‘Racket’ vocabulary: [...] ‘cut,’ to dilute [...] ‘cutting plant,’ a place where moonshine liquor or redistilled alcohol is diluted with water and colored with burnt sugar.
C.S. Montanye ‘Tight Spot’ in Complete Stories 15 Sept. 🌐 This place [...] was being used as a plant for ‘cutting.’ Here, in other words, bootleg booze was taken, adulterated, rebottled and relabeled.
[US]S. Longstreet Decade 312: Alki cutting with Nails Flowers’ mob, they say. [...] It stinks, this alki. It burns holes in the guts – but what the hell. Re-cook it, flavour it with tar extract, print the phony labels.
[US]A.I. Bezzerides Thieves’ Market 152: She poured it [bourbon] straight, not cutting it with water.
[US](con. 1950s) McAleer & Dickson Unit Pride (1981) 336: If you guys had half a brain, you’d’ve appropriated some juice outa the kitchen to cut this with.
[Ire]J. Healy Grass Arena (1990) 125: We’d cut the jake with pisshole water.

(b) (drugs, also cut down) to dilute a drug with some adulterant; thus cutting house n., a place where the adulteration of drugs takes place.

[US]B. Dai Opium Addiction in Chicago 198: Cut them. To dilute drugs. Morphine cannot be cut as it comes in cube form, but heroin, being a powder, is cut by using sugar or milk. Cocaine can be cut; that is, flake cocaine can, but crystal cocaine cannot.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).
[US](con. 1948) G. Mandel Flee the Angry Strangers 303: ‘Here’s a few caps,’ [he] dropped six pegs of Horse cut with sugar into her hand.
[US]C. Brown Manchild in the Promised Land (1969) 150: A lot of cats knew how to cut drugs. They knew how much sugar to put with heroin to make a cap or bag.
[US]A. Hoffman Property Of (1978) 243: We got to cut the shit and then bag it into dimes.
[US]N. Pileggi Wiseguy (2001) 195: I used her place to store and cut the stuff.
[US]S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 67: Alvin and I used to [...] pick up the dope and go down to Manhattan to some of the cutting houses.
[Ire]P. Howard The Joy (2015) [ebook] [I]t’s obvious this gear I’m after getting is more Shake ’n’ Vac than smack. I curse the bastard who cut it.
[UK]K. Sampson Powder 84: It’s the best cocaine in London – hasn’t even been cut yet.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 3: This particular half-key is just pure bunce cos it’s the result of us chopping and cutting a little bit more than usual over the last couple of weeks.
[US](con. 1990s) in J. Miller One of the Guys 145: ‘He’ll have it already wrapped up [...] and give it them and they have to go cut they own stuff down’.
[US](con. 1973) C. Stella Johnny Porno 31: Louis couldn’t cut his weed with any more oregano than he already had.
[Scot]A. Parks Bloody January 267: ‘Janey [...] cannae get enough of it, sort of a guinea pig, see how much we need to cut it’.
[UK]T. Thorne (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Cuttin’ - mixing or adulterating illicit drugs.

(c) (US gambling) in ‘numbers’ gambling, to reduce the payoff on a certain outcome to shield the operation from loss.

[US]U. Hannerz Soulside 141: [A] certain number becomes very popular, so that a hit on that number would cause the bankers a significant loss. To prevent this, the agent may declare that the number has to be ‘cut"—this would bring down the payoff on a hit.

5. (Aus./N.Z.) to finish, e.g. a drink.

[NZ]J. Henderson Gunner Inglorious (1974) 117: Let’s cut the lot. [...] Eat ’em all now.
Wilson Julien Ware 241: Here, drink it down. We must cut this bottle tonight [DNZE].
[NZ]J. Henderson Exiles of Asbestos Cottage 14: Plenty of garrulous half-shot but willing hands had all the wool stacked safely in the store by 1 am, when they turned to even more willingly and cut the keg.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 33/2: cut to finish or finished; eg ‘Let’s cut all the beer.’ ‘Too late. It’s all cut.’.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].

6. to give.

[US]C. Hiaasen Stormy Weather 33: Cut us a piece and we’ll call it even.
[US]P. Beatty Tuff 8: Fariq [...] tilted his head to the side, and cut his friend a dubious look.