Green’s Dictionary of Slang

chugwagon n.

[SE chug (along) + pun on cowboy jargon chuck wagon]

(US) a motorcar.

[US]Boston Herald 29 July 3/1: A big chug wagon jumped away from the Senate office building late this afternoon and snorted off toward Fort Myer [DA].
E.S.Field Sapphire Bracelet 35: Besides, your chug-wagon wears a New York number [DA].
[US]W.R. Burnett Little Caesar (1932) 253: Chugwagon, motor-cars.
[US]C. Barks [comic bk title] Chugwagon Derby.
[US](con. 1900s) J. Rodda [bk title] From chugwagon to parkway: The development of automotive transportation in Arizona, 1900–1940.