Green’s Dictionary of Slang

wit ou n.

also vet ou, witman
[Afk. wit, white + Afk. ou, a fellow]

(S.Afr. Indian) a white person.

[SA]D. Muller Whitey 21: You don’t look so good, witman.
[SA]Rand Daily Mail 10 July 7: The Natal pronunciation of Afrikaans words such as ‘wit’ and ‘pik’ come out as ‘vet’ and ‘pek’. And our main ou, who is also a ‘chaar ou’ (Indian), has friends of all races — ‘vet ous’ (whites) ‘pek ous’ (blacks) and ‘bruin ous’ (coloureds) [DSAE].
R. Govender Lahnees Pleasure 9: Don’t make so much noise. The wit ous are laughing at us [DSAE].
R. Mesthrie Lex. of S. Afr. Indian Eng. 120: Vet-ou, [...] A white-man [DSAE].