Green’s Dictionary of Slang

not matter a... phr.

in addition to the most popular combs. listed separately below, most uses of this construction are to be found under the relevant sense of the n. (e.g. fuck n. (2a)) or, occas., as nested phrases at the n. (eg. not matter a rap under rap n.2 ), however, a number of less common phrs. are listed below here, all meaning not to matter at all; examples are listed alphabetically rather than by date and the dating for these combinations can be anything from mid-16C to 1990s+.

In phrases

...a fart in the breeze
[UK]J. Mowry Six Out Seven (1994) 37: Don’t matter a fart in the breeze to me if she ride in back that there truck or go flyin around on little ole wings.
...a fiddler’s fart
[UK](con. WW2) T. Jones Heart of Oak [ebook] Still, I don’t know about the navy. [...] not so much bleeding discipline and frigging about over things that don’t matter a fiddler’s fart, see?
...a ha’penny
[UK]K. Williams Diaries 2 Mar. 109: Not that it could matter a ha’penny to me. The whole shoot of knighted actors are extraneous matter.
...a snap
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 26 Oct. 12/1: The condition of the people does not matter a snap; man may live alone, and woman vegetate in an unnatural state – it is only the Church’s forms that really matter.
...a straw
[UK]Dialogue Between Sam, Ferry-man etc. Upon a Parliament at Oxford in Harleian Misc. II (1809) 120: I know a baliff has nabbed several of them, and matters not a straw to arrest any member of the last parliament.