Green’s Dictionary of Slang

b-ball n.


(US black) basketball.

J. Sack M. (1986) 34: ‘Weren’t you this cold playing b-ball?’ ‘What sir?’ ‘Playing basketball?’ ‘No, sir.’.
C. Whelton CB Baby 119: Nothing like a little B-ball [HDAS].
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Spring 1: b-ball – basketball.
[US]T. Fontana ‘To Your Health’ Oz ser. 1 ep. 6 [TV script] The man is one of the greatest b-ball players of all time.
advert 🌐 B-BALL The Pro Basketball Simulation Software Statistical Database. 🌐 Join Richard Hamilton of the Washington Wizards at his 2002 RIP HAMILTON’S B-BALL CAMP For Boys and Girls Ages 9–17.
[US]D. Winslow The Force [ebook] Heavy betting on the b-ball games.