Green’s Dictionary of Slang

b.b. n.2


1. (US) a bedbug.

[US]DN III 357: B.b. Bedbug.
[UK]J. Cheever letter in Letters (1988) 57: The bbs turned out to be too damned much and I ended up [...] trying to sleep in the bath-tub.
[US]P. Conroy Great Santini (1977) 296: Carol Huger with her perfect smile and her brain the size of a BB or Sally Tomlinson with her perfect everything and her brain the size of a chigger’s eyeball.

2. (US black) basket ball.

M. Fulcher ‘Believe Me’ in Afro-American (Baltimore, MD) 16 Mar. 12/5: Willie Wynne took all the bows at the b.b. games again this season.