Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sausage n.

also sossidge

1. in pl., fetters [resemblance].

[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.

2. in pl., side-whiskers.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1013/3: mid-C.19–20.

3. (also sausage roll) the penis.

[[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Rabelais I xi: Some of the other women would give these names [...] my lusty andouille [i.e. sausage], and crimson chitterling, my little couille bredouille [etc.]].
[UK]T. Brown Amusements Serious and Comical in Works (1744) III 137: A couple of hollow-belly’d wh---s [...] heading up to Spring Gardens to cram one end with roasted fowls, and the other with raw sausages.
The Sausage Man [broadsheet ballad] But nothing pleased the maiden fair / Like this man’s Sausage Roll.
[UK] ‘The German Sausage Man’ in Swell!!! or, Slap-Up Chaunter 34: Pray let me have a sausage, man, / The largest you have, sausage-man, / I’m sure five miles to you I’ve run, / So serve me well, oh sausage man.
[UK]Sam Sly 14 Apr. 1/1: S—r—h P—e, the servant-girl, and lover of saveloys, of Jubilee-street, to keep her secrets more to herself, as Sam knows all about the new dress that her master gave her, in the kitchen, on the sly.
[UK]Fast Man 4:1 n.p.: [T]he military man now seized me by the waist, and shaking his gigantic sausage, swore he'd make me do all sorts of things.
[US]Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 8 Oct. n.p.: To the best family edition of ‘Fanny Hill,’ with illustrations after original designs by Huge Balls [...] The prize is a self-expanding frying -pan with an unlimited supply of six-inch sausages.
[UK] ‘The Catalogue’ in Rakish Rhymer (1917) 10: Prince Albert and the Queen [...] / When they had made the passage, / Ax’d little Vic what She would take — / She of course said : ‘German sausage.’.
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 1 Feb. 2/4: Then the rev. gentleman says, ‘Fancy the husband contemplating Byron and the wife thinking of sausages and roley-poley’.
[UK]‘Mary Suckit’ Yvonne 35: I am sure, she would like to play with my big sausage and to suck its swelling nut.
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 21 Aug. 5/4: They Say [...] That Miss Gladys H. and Miss Hilda O. were seen doing the tango by the butcher’s shop. What were you dancing for, sausages or polony? Look out for Sol Green, girls.
[US]Kokomo Arnold ‘Let Your Money Talk’ 🎵 To get your sausage grind your sausage grind / If he can’t get it in the front door / He don’t want it behind / You want your ashes hauled.
[Aus]J. Hibberd A Stretch of the Imagination (2000) 125: Housewives always spoke elatedly of his sausage. He never married, though.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 69: The Jew got the money and the Jewish princess got the ‘saseetch’.
[US]G.A. Fine With the Boys 171: Boys may say to their friends, rivals, and enemies [...] ‘suck my summer sausage’.
[Scot]I. Rankin Strip Jack 255: And he was doing everything short of whipping his sausage out and slapping it on her desk.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 4 42: Knowing the female staff at Pentridge, a sausage diet would be a big winner.
[UK]R. Milward Ten Storey Love Song 56: [H]e hasn’t showered his mouldy sausage for a while.
[US](con. 1973) C. Stella Johnny Porno 204: You should’ve thought of that before you grabbed your sausage.
[UK] 12 May 🌐 the boys when thay said in the Braintree years a knight stick or a wiily of a dick or cock [...] and now what was it oh yes pink sauceagey fink .

4. (also German sausage) a German.

[UK] ‘’Arry on Commercial Education’ in Punch 26 Sept. in P. Marks (2006) 123: Got the sack! / All along of a dashed German Sossidge. [Ibid.] 124: Lop-sided free trade is all boko, and that’s why the Sossidges wins.
[UK] ‘’Arry on African Affairs’ in Punch 22 Feb. 93/1: It’s clear ’e’s no class, that young Sossidge [i.e. the Kaiser].
[US]Ade ‘An Incident in the “Pansy”’ in In Babel 200: ‘Say, you big sausage, what are you tryin’ to do?’ ‘Ho! Sho! It is all in fun. You shouldt not get mat.’.
[Aus]Lone Hand (Sydney) July 279/1: ‘You’re a blankety blank German sossidge’.
[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era 221/2: Shet up, Sossidge (Peoples’, 1896). Recommendation to a German, noisy in public, to be quiet – really, ‘Shut up, Sausage’.
[UK]A. Brazil Leader of the Lower School 138: ‘We look like a set of grinning imbeciles! [...] with Sausage [a German teacher] for the arch-lunatic of us all [...] I don't like these foreign ways’ .
[UK]A. Ellerton [perf. Mark Sheridan] ‘Belgium Put the Kibosh on the Kaiser’ 🎵 A silly German sausage / Dreamt Napoleon he'd be.
[Aus]‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 18: ‘’Ere boys, look slippy!— a ’ankey for ol’ sausage!’ But the German was not sensitive to ridicule.
[UK](con. 1917–18) J.M. Saunders Wings (1928) 185: ‘Suppose the sausages are down,’ said Johnny, ‘shall we shoot up the place?’.
[Aus]‘William Hatfield’ Sheepmates 198: Dey say, ‘Hard cheese, Fritz, old sausech! You vos have der rodden lugk.’.
[US]D. Runyon Runyon à la Carte 200: Kindly do not refer to our people as krauts [...] sausages, wienies.
[Aus]D. Niland Big Smoke 171: I don’t know if I like that old sausage much.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 229: sausage, a German.

5. attrib. use of sense 4.

[US]S. Ford Torchy 294: Count Schutzenfest [...] I could have stood for anything but one of them sausage Counts.

6. in joc. uses.

(a) an ineffectual, easily imposed-upon person; esp. in teasing phr. silly sausage/old sausage.

[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 14: sausage n. Foolish person, fellow.
[US]E.H. Babbitt ‘College Words and Phrases’ in DN II:i 57: sausage, n. 1. A person easily imposed upon. 2. An easy-going, inoffensive person.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 5 Oct. 3/7: [T]hese funny-looking old sausages were getting ready to repulse a Russian invasion.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 27 Oct. 8s/7: Some poor silly sausage sighs / To the maid who’ll be his missus.
[UK]A. Lunn Harrovians 248: Now then, Huggers, you old sausage, come out of that corner and bid.
[US](con. 1900s) S. Lewis Elmer Gantry 233: How dare you come into my room without knocking, you sausage!
[Aus]N. Lindsay Redheap (1965) 62: ‘Lobster faced old sausage,’ said Robert to himself, leaving that intolerant neighbourhood [Ibid.] 170: ‘You’re a sausage,’ said Arnold. ‘There’s no more danger in walking into a strange house than walking into your own, as long as you know the way’ .
[UK]E. Raymond Marsh 261: No, wait a minute, you old sausage.
[UK](con. 1914) B. Marshall George Brown’s Schooldays 215: Wake up there, you silly sausage.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 184/2: Sausage. (P.; mildly contemptuous) A good-natured fool; a willing but inept fellow.
[UK]Willans & Searle Complete Molesworth (1985) 224: Silly sossage can’t think for toofee, he sa.
[US](con. 1940s) E. Thompson Tattoo (1977) 43: ‘Hi, sausage,’ Bucky said. ‘Fuck you,’ Jack said without rancor. [Ibid.] 55: He looked as if he had his hair cut at a barber college – a natural sausage.
[Aus]Benjamin & Pearl Limericks Down Under 70: A silly old sausage of Esk / Kept chasing girls round his desk.
[UK]J. Sullivan ‘Sleeping Dogs Lie’ Only Fools and Horses [TV script] You silly old sausage.
[Aus]P. Temple Bad Debts (2012) [ebook] Jack, my boy [...] Speak freely, old sausage.
B. Reed ‘Blind Freddie at the end of the cord’ in Passing Strange (2015) 32: ‘Clarissa’s right there, old sausage’.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 140: My considered opinion used to be that the Führer was a bit of a silly sausage.

(b) an affectionate term of address to an animal.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 12 Dec. 21/4: Then I coaxed the beggar up to my tent with lumps of sugar. He’s [i.e. a mammoth] a gentle old sausage – gentle as the oldest and kindest man you ever knew multiplied a thousand times and put inside a skin as big as a church.
[Aus]I.L. Idriess Horrie The Wog-Dog 10: You funny little sausage. Are you going to be our mascot?

7. (US Und.) a police-dog [sense 4 with ref. to the breed, e.g. a German shepherd, rather than sausage-dog, a dachshund].

[US]St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO) 8 Feb. 17/1: ‘Ben Hur,’ Desmond’s ‘sausage,’ was on the ‘look-out’.
[US]St Louis Post-Despatch 16 Jan. 25/2: Next time you bring a bunch of bulls and a flock of sausages (dogs) up to this joint [...] you’ll get ditched!

8. (US) a prize-fighter, esp. one with a swollen, bruised face.

[US]D. Runyon ‘The Big Umbrella’ in Runyon on Broadway (1954) 554: A fight manager [...] will get more heated up about some sausage who scarcely knows how to hold his hands up if he is a heavy-weight.

9. a derisory amount, nothing; usu. as not a sausage

[UK]P. Allingham Cheapjack 37: They ain’t got a sausage, son.
[UK]M. Harrison All the Trees were Green 265: So here I was in London without a sausage.
[UK]G. Kersh Night and the City 79: Can you imagine him waking up [...] without a sausage to pay the taxi.
[UK]A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 70: ‘Have you got a bob you can let me have’ [...] ‘Not a sausage [...] I blued it all on booze’.
[UK]B. Hare Urban Grimshaw 211: I’d have done time before I gave them a sausage.
P. Temple ‘High Art’ in The Red Hand 46: ‘Can’t recollect a stranger offerin me nothing. Not a sausage’.

10. (UK prison) a cannabis or cannabis/tobacco cigarette.

[UK]S. McConville ‘Prison Lang.’ in Michaels & Ricks (1980) 525: Cannabis indica [...] might be smoked in an African Woodbine, drag, reefer, stick, or sausage.

11. (US campus) a man, the male domain; only in combs. such as sausage party

12. see sausage party

In compounds

sausage-eater (n.) (also sausage gorger, …mangler, -meat, -spoiler)

a German.

[J.G. Kohl Russia [trans.] 276: The first prize for me the ‘sausage eater’ as the Russians call us Germans, was in fact a sausage].
[[UK]G.A. Sala Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous 200: He vows that he is as well ‘born’ as any of the rascaille German Sausage gorgers (as he calls them)].
[UK]Bentley’s Misc. 59 44: The sausage-eater had scarcely recovered from his surprise, when [...] he broke out into a regular volley of curses against the crew of the cutter in the lowest possible German.
[[UK]London Standard 14 Jan. 5/4: Desperate ruffians who had called pious king William of Prussia a ‘German sausage eater!’].
[UK]Dark Blue Apr. 134: Ye are Jarmin, I got it, ye are Jarmin, with yer big eyes and yer bould face—that's what ye are. Get along, ye Jarmin varmint, get along, ye sausage eater, get along!
[[UK]Badminton Mag. 43 346/2: Carter argued and threatened, but the German was immovable. ‘All right, you square-headed son of a sausage eater!].
[UK]Kemmel Times 3 July (2006) 103/2: William, Tirpitz and Co. shedding tears of blood in their anxiety to prove to a pack of poor deluded sausage eaters that they had blown the British Navy off the map.
[US]Sat Eve. Post 22 June 70: The sausage eaters decided to drop a few samples on our escadrille.
[US]T.H. Kelly What Outfit, Buddy? 58: Catch me givin’ them dirty sausage-meats cigarettes now.
Hays Free Press (KS) 10 Nov. 4/2: Moscow’s attitude to us [...] ‘You kolbosniki (susage-eaters) are far too fast’.
[US](con. WWI) L. Nason A Corporal Once 221: These sausage-spoilers jumped into us from the parados.
(con. WWI) L. Nason Among the Trumpets 229: I wanted to have another look at that other sausage mangler, the one the keeper said was a farm boy.
[US]J.T. Farrell World I Never Made 61: They can’t fool me, the dirty sausage-eaters!
[US]S. Bellow Augie March (1996) 298: Why should it be any different for Einhorn than for the Poles or sausage-eaters on his street?
sausage-eating (adj.)


[UK]‘Sapper’ No Man’s Land 239: Don’t put up with any back lash from a sausage-eating waiter.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 316: And as for the Prooshians and the Hanoverians, says Joe, haven’t we had enough of those sausageeating bastards on the throne from George the elector down to the German lad and the flatulent bitch that’s dead?
[US]J. Wambaugh Choirboys (1976) 97: I’m gonna sink that sausage eating Aryan son of a bitch.
sausage grinder (n.)

the vagina.

[US]in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 88: Like a damn fool, I took my tool, / And in her sausage grinder.
sausage jockey (n.) (also sausage jocky) [jockey n.2 (4b)]

1. (US) a male homosexual.

[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.
[UK]M. Walters Echo 262: ’Course we didn’t share a sodding bed. I’m no pillow biter, and he’s no sausage jockey.
OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 sausage jocky n. Homosexual.
[UK]M. Walters Echo 262: He glared from Deacon to the two policemen. ‘Course we didn't share a sodding bed. I'm no pillow biter, and he's no sausage jockey. Got it?’.
M. Blake Big Time [ebook] Jason [...] was struggling to pull up his jeans. Dan’s goatee was raked at an amused angle. ‘Never knew you was a sausage jockey?’ ‘I’m not’.

2. (N.Z.) a sexually active woman; esp. one who prefers the superior position in heterosexual intercourse.

[NZ] McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl.
G. Burke Pest on the Run 70: Maggie Boyd was a sausage jockey who worked at an unscrupulous massage parlor.
sausage-land (n.)


[[UK]Hogg’s Instructor (Edinburgh) X 165/2: And he also notices the fact, that the extreme point of the ‘sack’ bears still the name of Landwursten, that is, Sausage-land—a term assigned to it, he says, because thither it was that the last independent Saxons were driven by Charlemagne, they being crammed into it as meat is into a sausage].
Chinese Times 2 584/1: The German from the sausage land / Brought beer and Hamburg wine.
[UK]J. Oxenham Our Lady of Deliverance 53: Ah! if we had had a real Bonaparte, a real chip of the old block to lead us [...] why we would have mopped those pigs of Prussians all over their cursed sausage land.
[UK]C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne Marriage of Capt. Kettle 45: ‘I take it you’ve enough to see you to Tampico and back to happy sausage-land?’ [...] The big German spread the palms of expostulation [...].
[UK]W. Nevill in R. Ellis (ed.) Nevill Letters 1914-1916 (1991) 142: Tomorrow we go to sausage land on the quiet bit near the Tambour, not in or too near. I say ‘quiet’ comparatively!
Simpkin & Hamilton Oh, Canada! 48: We are coming, pink and perky, / Though our drill be quaint and jerky. / Bound for sausage-land and Turkey, / Five hundred thousand strong!
sausage-nosher (n.)

1. a German. 4 Apr. 🌐 [W]ill the damned kraut surrender like a good Jerry? Will he hell!!! [...] how do you get the blasted sausage nosher to give up?

2. a male homosexual.

Twitter/X 8 Oct. 🌐 I have devised a plan that will eradicate all these fake sausage-noshers.
sausage party (n.) (also sausage, sausage fest)

a social gathering where men outnumber women.

Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 sausage fest; sausage party n 1. a gathering with many more males than females. (‘Let’s take off, this is just a sausage party.’).
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 6: sausage – social event at which most of those in attendance are male.
A. Fox-Lerner ‘Traces of a Name’ in ThugLit Mar. [ebook] Like anything having to do with graff, it was also a total sausage fest.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] It was a good old-fashioned sausage fest and i wasn’t having none of it.
sausage smuggler (n.)

a male homosexual.

Blackadder on Urban Dict. 🌐 sausage smuggler person who smuggles cocks in his ass. Big Bird is a sausage smuggler.
S. Alten Shell Game 207: ‘My guy would never think of looking at an American woman. Too religious. Prays every night.’ ‘Either that or he’s a sausage smuggler’.

In phrases

eat sausage (v.)

(N.Z.) of a woman, to fellate.

[NZ]H. Beaton Outside In Act II: sandy: Blue movies? ginny: Yeah. Had a film on VD. Fascinatin’! Put you off eatin’ sausage, Kate!
have a live sausage for supper (v.) (also have a live sausage for breakfast)

of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 20: Aubade (donner or faire l’) To copulate; ‘to have a live sausage for breakfast’.
hide the sausage (n.)

(Aus.) the act of sexual intercourse; usu. as play hide the sausage; thus as v.

[Aus]B. Humphries Barry McKenzie [comic strip] in Complete Barry McKenzie (1988) 94: All a bloke wants is [...] a swift game of hide the sausage in the back stalls.
[US]M. Petit Peacekeepers 89: I know you want to get your wick dipped and play a little hide the sausage.
[Aus]C. Bowles G’DAY 5: An Australian [...] ’ll play ‘hide the sausage’ with, anyone provided they're female.
M. Clark Sheba’s Vow 282: I had to admit that although she was a feminist ratbag, I could understand uncle wanting to turn off the lights and play hide-the-sausage.
[Aus]B. Moore Lex. of Cadet Lang. 186: usage: ‘Did you get to hide the sausage last night?’.
[Aus]Penguin Bk of More Aus. Jokes 409: A lion was drinking from a pool with its bum in the air when a chimpanzee passed by. Mistaking the gender of the big cat, the chimp crept up behind it to play hide the sausage.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 45: cherchez le sausage Sexual intercourse, a franglais play on the phrases ‘cherchez la femme’ and ‘hide the sausage’.
[Ire]L. McInerney Glorious Heresies 88: ‘[Y]ou’ve been playing Hide the Underage Sausage’.
live sausage (n.)

the penis.

[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk I 44: And some of the other women would give these names, my Roger, my cockatoo, my nimble-wimble, bush-beater, claw-buttock, evesdropper, pick-lock, pioneer, bully-ruffin, smell-smock, trouble-gusset, my lusty live sausage.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 14: Anguille, f. The penis; ‘the live sausage’.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 98 Oct. 25: skin-clad tuben. A live sausage; a girlometer.
not a sausage

absolutely nothing, usu. implying poverty.

[UK]P. Allingham Cheapjack 37: They ain’t got a sausage, son, not a sausage.
[UK]R. Llewellyn None But the Lonely Heart 92: Not a bleeding sausage in the whole of the world.
[NZ]B. Mason Awatea (1978) 47: jameson: News? gilhooly: Not a sausage.
[UK]P. Theroux Family Arsenal 73: ‘Not a sausage,’ said Murf.
[UK]P. Barker Blow Your House Down 11: ‘You heard from Carol?’ Brenda asked. ‘Not a sausage,’ said Jean.
[Scot]I. Rankin Dead Souls 71: ‘Not a sausage,’ Rebus admitted.
[Scot]A. Parks April Dead 177: ‘Door-to-doors turn anything up?’ [...] ‘Not a sausage. Nobody saw anything, nobody heard anything’.
sink the sausage (v.)

see under sink v.

slap the sausage (v.)

to masturbate.

‘Les B. Frank’ ‘Gayity’ in Out in the Mountains XVII No. 3, Apr. on 🌐 Guys skip meals to slap the sausage, ignore pets to spank the monkey and neglect tasks other than the one at hand.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

sausage dog (n.) [its German origins and its roughly tubular shape]

a dachshund.

St Tammany Farmer (Covington, LA) 12 Aug. 3/2: Styles in Dogs [...] The Prince Albert cut-away sausage dog is not used in warm weather.
[US]Topeka State Jrnl (KS) 30 July 16/2: [cartoon caption] ‘Ah, what’s the good of being a low down susage looking dog like you?’ yapped the greyhound [...] ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ said the dachshund. Then getting up on his hind legs, he helped himself [to a roasted chicken].
[US]Chickasha Dly Exp. (OK) 25 Jan. 4/4: [headline] Theft of Sausage Dog is Grand Larceny.
[US]Eve. Public Ledger (Phila., PA) 18 Jan. 12/2: Dogs of high and low degree, including the dachshund or sausage dog.
[Scot]Dundee Courier 28 Nov. 4/2: The still more amusing Dicky Dack, the sausage dog.
[Scot]Fife Herald 6 Dec. 6/6: Sausage Dogs Barred. Dog foods are rationed in Germany and only dogs about 16 inches in height are to be elgible for ration cards [...] ruling out the popular ‘sausage dogs’.
[UK]Bath Chron. 2 Nov. 7/6: They saw a ‘sausage’ dog, a dachshund.
[UK]Derry Jrnl 29 Sept. 3/3: Cinch your waist in with [...] a belt decorated with a sausage dog. It will be original and fashionable.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1012/2: since WW1, poss. earlier. [...] Also Aus., since ca. 1930.
sausage wrapper (n.) (also sausage wrap)

(Aus.) a newspaper.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 18 Dec. 9/1: When people say the Kelly troupe were solely patronised by the larrikin class they lie like the special correspondent of a daily sausage-wrapper.
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 25 Jan. 6/1: A lady recently gave birth to a quartet — two boys and two girls, up Croak-a-jin-a-go-a-long way, and a local punster fiendishly alluded to the fact in the columns of the district sausage-wrapper.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (NSW) 11 Dec. 7/6: When it comes to accusing me of cowardice, as he did in the last issue of his Saturday sausage-wrapper [etc].
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 17 July 2nd sect.9/1: They Say [...] That because her sausage wrap was enthusing over the Sunshine squawk she denounced the other.
First Aid Post: Official Organ 2nd Field Ambulance 14 July 1/1: Heralded its sausage wrapper’s arrival with a feeble attack. No doubt our readers are acquainted with this rag [AND].
[Aus]Dly Mercury (Mackay, Qld) 17 July 2/3: The editor of the ‘Mercury’ was rather annoyed about calling the paper a sausage wrapper.
[Aus]Bowen Indep. (Qld) 14 May 4/7: [He] paid an undeserved Insult to the country newspapers of the State, by calling them ‘sausage wrappers’.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 21 July 1/9: This week’s local Communist paper calls the ‘Herald’ a neo-fascist demagogic sausage-wrapper. Getting under their skin?
[Aus]Nat. Advocate (Bathurst, NSW) 18 May 4/3: Sir Arthur was so annoyed with the Telegraph remarks concerning him that he referred to the paper as a sausage wrapper, and even refused to give a press interview to the Telegraph reporters.
[NZ]D. Trussell Fairburn 52: I see by our local sausage-wrapper that you broke with the old life at mid-day on Saturday.