Green’s Dictionary of Slang

batshit n.

also batcrap

1. lies, nonsense, rubbish; also as excl. [play on bullshit n. (1)/crap n.1 (4)].

H. McDiarmid Lucky Poet 100: Batshit ! ' That is exactly what the judgement of almost every writer of signed reviews in Great Britain amounts to. Just that !
N. Gidding End Over End 34: Forty miles from Rome; sixty-four kilometers from [...] those round-bottomed, big-breasted Italian girls, anxious to give their all for the evading American airman. Batshit.
N. Gidding End Over End 161: Batshit. You’ll mever get a cigarette that way .
[US]H. Rhodes Chosen Few (1966) 140: Bill says [...] ‘Maybe a good licking will help keep ’em in their place.’ ... BATSHIT!!!
[US]R.D. Pharr S.R.O. (1998) 173: ‘Batshit,’ I said and [...] I meant every syllable.
[US](con. 1949) J. Hurling Boomers 61: Batshit! Now whut the hail’s goin’ on out there with them kids!
[US]W.T. Vollmann Whores for Gloria 124: Was I talking bullshit or batshit or dogshit or was it just ratshit?
[UK]Guardian 10 Dec. 40/2: They just don’t care and have bat shit for brains.

2. an insane person [bats adj. + apeshit adj. (1)].

[US](con. 1970) J.M. Del Vecchio 13th Valley (1983) 309: ‘“Fuck you” is two words, bat shit.’ [Ibid.] 310: ‘You ain’t in Saigon, bat shit, you up the Sông Bo.’.