Green’s Dictionary of Slang

voetsak n.

[Afk. voertsek, forward, more usu. found as a dismissive command, be off! go away!]

1. (S.Afr., also voetsek) an infinite, non-specific number, e.g. straight from the year voetsek, the equivalent of ‘God knows when’ or ‘the year dot’.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
East Province Herald 5 Nov. 12: Just imagine. The year is nineteen-voetsek or, perhaps, two-thousand-and-voetsek [DSAE].
[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 4 Oct. 🌐 I finished my post-grad in English in nineteen hundred and voetsak.

2. a shoe with soles made from rubber car tyres.

[SA](con. 1950s) G. Moloi My Life 72: The boys were wearing [...] ‘voetsaks’, a kind of half boot with car-tyre soles, which has ended up as the standard shoe for the Z.C.C. clan to this day.