Green’s Dictionary of Slang

voetsak! excl.

also footsac! footseck! futsack! voertsek! voetsek! voortzuk! votsek!
[Du. voort seg ik, be off, I say!]

(S.Afr.) a general excl. of dismissal, go away! be off! get out!

J.E. Alexander Narrative of Voyage I 351: Dogs attacked us as we approached; but on the cry of ‘voortzuk!’ from the master, followed by a stone, they left us.
M.A. Barker Housekeeping in S. Afr. 147: When G-- yells furhrt-sack (this is pure phonetic spelling out of my own head) the cur retreats.
[UK]Illus. London News 26 Feb. 2: South African [...] slang colloquialisms [...] ‘Footsac’ — ‘be off!’ .
E. Glanville Tales of the Veld 147: I jes’ drop in to ask you to voetsak all the dogs outer this place.
[SA]G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 74: ‘Footseck!’ she said, as the head of a huge Kafir hound appeared.
[SA]D. Blackburn Leaven 33: Chercher! Voetsak!
[UK]J. Buchan Greenmantle (1930) 190: Now, go! Futsack! And remember that I am your master. I, Ulric von Stumm, who owns you as a Kaffir owns his mongrel.
[SA]C.R. Prance Riddle of the Veld 120: Hans would throw the shirt at him with orders to ‘voetsak’ or ‘buzz-off’ as the Settlers say.
[UK]D. Jacobson Dance in the Sun 68: There seemed to be nothing to say to him except, ‘Voetsak!’ as one might speak to a dog.
[UK]K. Mackenzie Dragon to Kill 72: O.K. voetsak jong.
[SA]M. Dikobe Marabi Dance 109: Voetsek, Tiny, I am not a Marabi girl.
[SA]P. Slabolepszy Sat. Night at the Palace (1985) 28: Ah, voetsak, man.
[SA](con. 1976) B. Simon ‘Black Dog’ Born in the RSA (1997) 32: Voetsak! Voetsak! Voetsak! Just go away!
[SA]P.-D. Uys Part Hate Part Love (1994) 131: ‘Voertsek! This is my castle,’ he lisped.
T.S. Mtshali Weemen in Perkins (1998) 104: Votsek, bloody woman! why take your time?
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 28 Sept. 🌐 Zuma, we took you to Parliament, all you have done is get yourself more women — voetsak!
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 16 Feb. 🌐 Residents shouted ‘Voetsek! voetsek!’ at the police.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 7 Aug. 🌐 Eskom can voetsak. Going ‘off the grid’ [...] pays for itself in five years.