Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pudding n.

[SE pudding, guts, entrails]

1. (also pudding-lane) the vagina.

[UK]J. Bale Comedye Concernyng Three Lawes (1550) Ciii: What wylte thou fall to mutton? [...] Rank loue is full of heate where hungrye dogges lacke meate, They wyll durty puddynges eate For want of befe and conye.
[UK]J. Taylor A brown dozen of drunkards 13: [A]ny dirty pudding serves this hot whelp of Cerberus, he desires to devoure more flesh then any Minotaure.
E. Settle The world in the moon 38: Sir Dott. For when the Firebrands of Whoredom and Cuckoldom are once lighted, they are unquencheable; and a Young Gipsie that takes Fire in her Pudding-Lane, is never to be stopt till she burns down to Bridewell.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy IV 233: Margery came in then with an Earthen Pot, / Full of Pudding that was piping hot.
[UK]C. Crinkum AEnigmatical Repository 11: The engine of mischief, with dug of a cow / And taylor’s delight, are delicious you know / Some one hundred thousands we’ll mix, and well bake, / And furnish a pudding which few will forsake.
[UK] ‘With My Cook So Fair’ Lummy Chaunter 67: At the smell of her pudding, I sticks to her like a good ’un.
S. Williams ‘Jacksonville Blues’ lyrics] I can strut my pudding, spread my grease with ease / ’Cause I know my onions—that’s why I always please.
Wynonie Harris 🎵 Everybody’s talkin’ about chicken and rice / But I like my baby’ s pudding, I like it best of all .

2. (also white pudding) the penis; thus pudding-bag n., the vagina; pudding prick n., the penis.

[UK]J. Heywood Proverbs II Ch. xi: For soth (said my frend) this matter maketh bost, / Of diminuation. For here is a myll post / Thwitten to a puddyng pricke so neerely, / That I confesse me discouraged cleerely, / In both my weddyngs.
[UK]N. Field Woman is a Weathercock I ii: Mistress Kate likes me not; she says I speak as if I had a pudding in my mouth, and I answered her, if I had a white pudding (sausage) [...] I was better armed for a woman.
[UK]Webster Devil’s Law-Case I i: I have heard Strange jugling tricks have been conveyed to a woman / In a Pudding.
[UK]Mercurius Fumigosus 10 2 Aug. 93: How didst thou catch her Love, quoth the Cobler? Truly Husband quoth shee, I caught her in my Pudding-Bagge.
[UK] ‘Hunting of the Hare’ Pepys Ballads (1987) IV 270: If he please to make a Friend, He’d better give a Puddings-end.
[UK]C. Cotton Virgil Travestie (1765) Bk I 58: She began, upon a sudden, / To feel a longing for White Pudden.
[UK] ‘Merry Dialogue between a Maid & her Master’ Pepys Ballads (1987) III 140: [He] gave her a breakfast as she did it call, He gave her a pudding, but that was but small ... But ... The pudding he gave her made her for to swell.
[UK] ‘From Twelve Years Old I Oft Have Been Told’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) II 91: I can Remember my Mother has said, / What a Delight she had to be Fed / With a Pudding.
[UK] ‘Song’ in Playford Pills to Purge Melancholy I 235: As for Pudding is the Pan.
Joyful News for Maids & Young Women [subtitle] Being An Account of a Ship-load of white Puddings, brought from a far Country, and are to be exposed to Sale at reasonable Rates, for the Benefit of Old and Young Women.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy III 73: But by the Rowling and Trowling about, / How kindly and sweetly the Marrow flew out / Of his Pudding.
[UK]‘Bumper Allnight. Esquire’ Honest Fellow 130: When I am among some wives that are young, / Who think they shall never give it due praise; / It is sweet, it is good, it is pleasant still, / They cry, — they think they shall never have their fill / Of a pudding.
[UK] ‘The Belly-Full’ Flash Chaunter 24: His daughter too much pudding swallowed. / Still Pudding! Pudding! loud she hollow’d.
[UK] ‘John Marrow’s Pudding’ Cockchafer 37: Most maids admire and praise it so [...] Oh, what a delight they have to play / With a long stocking pudding!
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

3. (also pudding-bag, puddings) the stomach.

[UK]J. Ray Proverbs (2nd edn) 82: Sweet-heart and bag pudding.
[UK]T. Brown Amusements Serious and Comical in Works (1744) III 67: He told them of fifteen persons that were run clear through the body, and were glad to carry their puddings in their hands for a matter of three days together.
[UK]Bridges Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 206: As on the ground his bum came smash, / His puddings jumbled with a swash.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Puddings. The guts: I’ll let out your puddings.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1785].
[UK]Byron Don Juan canto XI line 99: [Juan] Drew forth a pocket-pistol [...] And fired it into one assailant’s pudding.
[UK]Pierce Egan’s Life in London 13 Mar. 53/1: Halton tried an experiment on the Gypsy’s pudding-bag ; but the enemy was too quick for him.
[US]‘Jack Downing’ Andrew Jackson 70: Gouge him, hoop his barrel, stranger; fag him in the craw, hit him in the pudding bag.
[UK]‘Johnny’s Rolling Pin’ in Gentleman’s Private Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 377: She was very fond of pudding and she / Knew John had a stiff one, with which she’d make free.
Sporting Life (London) 17 Oct. 3/4: Gillam opened the ball with a straight left-hander in Tom's pudding-bag.
[UK]S.O. Addy Sheffield Gloss. 182: Puddings, entralis, intestines.

4. sexual intercourse.

[UK] in D’Urfey Comical Hist. of Don Quixote Pt 3 I i: I go to’t as other folks do, I think, for a ready Pudding: Besides, Mary has [...] such a jigging crumptious whim with her Backside. [...] She has a pure stroke with her, fackins – Then, to say the truth, Mary’s very well forehanded too.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy III 73: It is sweet, It is good, It is pleasant stiil, / They [i.e. ‘Wives’] cry, they think they shall ne’er have their fill / Of a Pudding.
[UK]Nancy Dawson’s Jests 5: I know how I’ll manage, I’ll live upon pudding.
[UK] ‘The Belly-Full’ Flash Chaunter 23: My daughter’s fond of pudding, d’ye see? / So a custard pudding, let your pudding be. / Away he went, and did the job so well, / He made the lady round about to swell.
[UK]Sam Sly 31 Mar. 2/2: Master K—d [...] not to be seen so often at the noted eel pie-house, Church-lane, making love to Miss C—e A—d, but attend to his brother's business a little more, and not go after the ‘Pies,’ because there's plenty of pudding at home.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 24: Avoir les bonnes graces = to copulate; ‘to get a bit of pudding’.

5. an unborn child, a foetus.

[UK]Fielding Tom Thumb I v: When in a Pudding, by his Mother put, The Bastard, by a Tinker, on a Stile Was drop’d [...] can I bear To see him, from a Pudding, mount the Throne?
[UK]Sterne Tristram Shandy (1949) 125: A pudding’s end, – replied my father, – the doctor must be paid the same for inaction as action.

6. (UK Und.) meat, usu. liver, that has been impregnated with drugs or poison, used by a thief to silence a house dog, thus v. pudding, to drug/kill a dog with such meat.

[Aus]Sydney Gaz. 10 May 3/3: All thieves have the knack of instantly quieting the fiercest watch-dogs, by throwing them a kind of narcotic ball — this they call ‘puddening’ them .
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 13 Nov. 1/1: ‘Leave the tyke to me; if puddin wo’nt quiet him, this will,’ said Bully, exposing a huge knife.
[UK]J.W. Horsley in Macmillan’s Mag. (London) ‘Autobiog. of a Thief’ (1879) XL 505: When I opened the door there was a great tyke (dog) lying in front of the door, so I pulled out a piece of pudding (liver prepared to silence dogs) and threw it to him.
J.C. Goodwin ‘Criminal Sl.’ in Sidelights on Criminal Matters 165: Bill told me he had brought some pudding for the dog [...] We reached the crib and chucked the pudding to the pup.
[UK]P. Hoskins No Hiding Place! 191/2: Pudding. Poisoned meat, for administering to watch-dogs.

7. in fig. senses [var. on pie n. (3a)].

(a) of a person, esp. a victim, a weakling, a ‘pushover’.

[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 3 Nov. 6/1: ‘Touch him right — and he’s a pudding’.
E.L. Thayer ‘Casey at the Bat’ in Mad mag Aug.–Sept (1953) 22: And the former was a puddn and the latter was a fake.
[Aus]Truth (Sydney) 19 Aug. 6/7: That soft-hearted bleater, Tom Butt [...] has once more cried ‘enough’ to a man half his size [...] Joe Cullen made the huge pudding stop in three rounds.
[US]Omaha Dly Bee (NE) 22 Sept. 9/3: [headline] Bullhead Luck at Poker. A Convincing Game at a Stop-Over Joint [...] A Foreign Pilgrim Who was Considered a Pudding but proved the Luckiest of Poker Players.
[US]C.E. Mulford Bar-20 Days 144: He put it over on me, an’ I’m the one that’s got to shoot him up. He’s mine, my pudding.
[UK]J. Cary Horse’s Mouth (1948) 321: Blast you, you don’t get tight now, you old pudding.
[UK]A. Buckeridge Jennings Goes To School 112: There’s no point in us sitting here like a couple of spare puddings.
[UK]F. Norman Guntz 62: This geezer was a right pudding when it came to the punch up lark.
[UK]Sun. Times Mag. 12 Oct. 30: They think you’re a right pudden if you do something for nowt.
[UK]H.R.F. Keating Soft Detective 49: A sullen pudding.

(b) (US) anything easily accomplished.

[US]G.W. Walling Recollections 262: It was an ‘inside’ job from the start, and was managed chiefly by ‘Shang’ Draper and Leslie. In thieves’ slang it was a ‘pudding’.
[US]H. Blossom Checkers 34: It’s a puddin’; it’s a tapioca. honest, it’s a regular gift; the chance of your life.
[US]Sun (NY) 14 Jan. 6/2: I felt comfortable I did [...] of what promised to be a right puddin’ of a job.
[US]C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] I say, if yer got a good graft, stick to it, an’ don’t try an’ butt in on sumbody elses puddin’.
[US]Wash. Post 3 July 3/1: We’ve got enough rag ter buy 100 tins at 10 per. It’s a regular puddin’.
[Ire]B. Behan Scarperer (1966) 36: Breaking out of this place is a puddin’ compared to getting offside from the Scarperer.
[UK](con. 1860s) P. Ackroyd Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem 104: All pudding. Easy as you like.

8. money, profit.

[UK]H. Smart Long Odds II 59: Besides the solid pudding, Mr Stubber further coveted a share of the laurels of his profession [...] Let alone the money, it was hard to be denied the chance of leading the winner of the Derby in.
[UK]Thieves Slang ms list from District Police Training Centre, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warwicks 8: Pudding: Proceeds of prostitution.

9. (Aus.) in horse-racing, a weight used in handicapping.

[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 17 Oct. 1/1: Woe betide the owner whose horse does not run well when the betting steward has a bit on; he’s sure to be asked to [...] ‘cop out ’ some extra pudding when next handicapped.

10. (US) an affectionate term of address.

[US]J. Blake letter 5 Apr. Joint (1972) 162: Let me hear from you, little pudding.
[US](con. 1930s) H. Simmons Man Walking On Eggshells 4: Damn, puddin, seems like I just hit the sack.
[US]C. Cook Robbers (2001) 113: I told you we was robbers, puddin.
[US]S.A. Crosby Razorblade Tears 199: ‘What are you talking about, puddin’?’.

11. semen.

[UK]A. Sillitoe Start in Life (1979) 21: More than once I left her at night, feeling full of rage at the rice pudding down my leg.

In compounds

pudding club (n.)

see separate entry.

pudding-pie (n.) [euph.]

the vagina.

[UK] ‘The Old Pudding-Pye Woman’ in Ebsworth Roxburghe Ballads (1893) VII:1 77: If any young man have a mind to such a rare prize, / He shall have her Daughter and all her Pudding-pyes.

In phrases

black pudding (n.)

1. a black man’s penis.

[UK] ‘Sambo’s Black Pudding’ Icky-Wickey Songster 34: The sight made his black pudding swell.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 193: The sausage termshave largely fallen from use, although one still hears black pudding for the organ of the negro.

2. (US black) the vagina; thus sexual intercourse.

[US]L. Stavsky et al. A2Z 8/1: black puddin’ – a black woman’s private parts or some action with same [...] I’m going to V-Town to git me some black puddin’.
in the pudding (adj.)

(Aus.) in trouble.

[Aus](con. 1943) G.S. Manson Irish Fandango [ebook] ‘I gotta get back or I’ll be in the pudden’.
live on pudding (v.)

(UK und.) to live as a pimp.

[UK]Thieves Slang ms list from District Police Training Centre, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warwicks 6: Live on pudding (or batter): Live on immoral earnings.

SE in slang uses

In derivatives

puddingy (adj.)


[UK] ‘’Arry on the Elections’ Punch 12 Dec. 277/2: If that Cow and Three Acres does fetch him, Hodge must ’ave a puddeny chump.

In compounds

pudding-case (n.)

(US) a boxing-glove.

[UK]Wodehouse ‘Kid Brady — How He Made His Debut’ in Captain Sept. 🌐 Here, kid, help me out of these bally pudding-cases, and I’ll give you a dollar.

see separate entries.

pudding-house (n.)

1. the stomach.

[UK]Nashe Have With You to Saffron-Walden in Works III (1883–4) 148: What a commotion there was in his entrayles or pudding-house, for want of food.
[UK]Nashe Praise of the Red Herring 41: He stept, and pluckt him from his state with a wennion [...] and thrust him downe his pudding house at a gobbe.
[UK]Rowlands Diogenes Lanthorne 7: All the gutts in his Pudding-house, rumble and grumble at their slender allowance.
[UK]Rowlands Knaves of Spades and Diamonds 35: [To a Gormondizing Glutton] Vpon foure Capons then his teeth did deale, And sent them downe into his pudding house.

2. (UK Und.) the workhouse.

[UK]G. Kent Modern Flash Dict.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.
pudding-snammer (n.) (also pudding-snapper, snammer) [snam v.]

one who robs a cook-shop.

[UK]W.A. Miles Poverty, Mendicity and Crime; Report 91: The lowest of all thieves (despised even of his fellows) is the ‘pudding snammers.’ These ‘pudding snammers’ are young urchins whose love of pudding far exceeds their love of work; so they loiter about cook-shops, and when customers are departing with plates of beef or pudding, pounce on them.
[Aus]Satirist & Sporting Chron. (Sydney) 4 Mar. 2/1: Mr Pudding Snammers rode many miles to se the fun.
[UK]J. Archbold Magistrate’s Assistant (3rd edn) 446: One who steals food. A pudding snammer.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]Derbyshire Courier 12 Dec. 7/1: Local Flash language [...] A pudding snammer, one who steals food.
[Aus]C. Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 62: Pudding Snammer, one who robs a cook-shop.
[Aus]Argus (Melbourne) 20 Sept. 6/4: Amongst these small fry of the profession [are] the pudding snapper, or robber of cook-shops; the shooting star, or thief who frequently changes his quarters; the shorter or coin clipper.

In phrases

not a word of the pudding [? simply the idea of not revealing the ‘surprise’ of the final course]

keep quiet about it, say absolutely nothing about it.

[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Mum-for-that, not a Word of the Pudding.

In exclamations

my pudding!

(US) a general excl. of dismissal, contempt, negation.

[US]H. Roth Call It Sleep (1977) 59: ‘Twiset, my pudd’n,’ retorted the first in wrathful contempt. ‘It’s de toid time.’.