Green’s Dictionary of Slang

poozle v.

[ety. unknown; ? SE puzzle, to search out (mentally)]

(N.Z.) to scavenge for collectible objects.

P.B. Orsman postcard in DNZE (1998) 624/2: Used in Wellington and Christchurch by bottle collectors, etc. ‘Their bottle collection came from poozling under old houses.’ .
[NZ]L. Leland Kiwi-Yankee Dict. 79: poozling: Going through abandoned houses scheduled for demolition and removing the (usually antique) fittings that strike your fancy. Until recently this was a socially acceptable practice (although not strictly legal), however, as demolition contractors catch on to the value of these fittings legal and moral pressure is exerted to discourage the practice.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 87/1: poozling scavenging in abandoned buildings before the demolisher gets there, old bottles favoured, but anything of antique significance or value.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].