Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hogger n.2

[hog n. (3a)]

(US tramp/railroad) a locomotive engineer.

[US]Wash. Post 10 Dec. 4/5: An engineer is [...] a ‘hogger.’.
[US] ‘The Hoghead’s Dying Request’ in N. Cohen Long Steel Rail (1981) 369: A hoghead on his deathbed lay, his life was ebbing fast away; / His friends around him closely pressed to hear the hogger’s last request.
[US]C. Sandburg ‘The Dying Hogger’ in Amer. Songbag 186: [as cit. 1914].
[US]‘Dean Stiff’ Milk and Honey Route 27: It is not necessary for the hobo ever to meet the engineer of the train, known among our kind as the ‘hogger,’ or ‘hoghead’.
[US] ‘Casey Jones’ in Irwin Amer. Tramp and Und. Sl. 214: Casey Jones was the hogger’s name.
[US]C. Sandburg People, Yes 101: An old hogger.
[US]F.H. Hubbard Railroad Avenue 193: In the cab, a home-guard hogger addresses a boomer brakeman.
in Fenner Throttle 14: Frank, the youngest hogger on the line, was taken down a peg or two [HDAS].
[Can](con. 1920s) O.D. Brooks Legs 166: The boxcar gave a lurch and we knew the hogger had backed the road hog onto the train.