Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hogger n.1

[negative stereotyping of the animal]

1. (Irish) a street-corner idler.

[UK]J. Braine Room at the Top (1959) 80: I watched them with tenderness [...] without the least trace of, as Charles used to put it, the bog-eyed hogger.
[Ire](con. 1930s) K.C. Kearns Dublin Street Life and Lore 85: Hoggers was men looking for a free drink [...] They were knockabouts.
[Ire]O’Carroll & Fitzpatrick [bk title] Hoggers, Lords and Railwaymen .

2. (US campus) a fat, homely young woman.

[US]Current Sl. I:3 4/2: Hogger, n. A fat, ugly girl.
Current Sl. V 14: Hogger, n. A girl.

3. (US campus) a sexual athlete.

[US]Baker et al. CUSS 138: Hogger A sexually expert male.

4. (US) the penis.

[US]S. King It (1987) 320: Scariest thing I’ve seen lately was Mark Prenderlist takin a leak [...] Ugliest hogger you ever saw.