Green’s Dictionary of Slang

closet adj.

also closeted, closety
[closet n. (2)]

1. of being homosexual, secret, clandestine, hidden.

[US]A. Reiss in Cressey & Ward Delinquency, Crime, and Social Process (1969) 994: In the organized ‘gay world,’ they are known as ‘closet fags’.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 48: closeted [in the closet] refusing to associate with known gays for fear of being discovered.
[US]B. Grier ‘Neither Prophet nor Salvation’ in Jay & Young (1979) 417: They have a number of closeted gay friends like themselves.
[US]A. Maupin Further Tales of the City (1984) 40: It must’ve been a bitch, staying closeted all these years.
[US]C. White Life and Times of Little Richard 195: All of you secret servers and closet folk.
[US] (ref. to 1960) in Walking After Midnight (1989) 87: Usually, if you met somebody who was gay and butch, they were very uptight, closety types.
[UK]D. Jarman letter 22 Mar. Smiling in Slow Motion (2000) 102: The Times was pushing me to say I thought all closeted stars should be Outed.
[UK]K. Lette Foetal Attraction (1994) 186: Oh yes. Closet gay. I should have guessed when he got into bed with the jar of Vaseline.
[UK]Indep. 19 July 9: Their officious madam, Paul, has a boyfriend who’s a closeted England under-21 footballer.
[US]J. Ellroy ‘Jungletown Jihad’ in Destination: Morgue! (2004) 352: He humps homos. They’re closet clowns in deep cover.
[Aus]P. Papathanasiou Stoning 131: ‘[H]e’s probably a closet bender himself, all teachers are, benders or paedos’.

2. in non-homosexual contexts.

[US]D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 111: Because I like country music so much, Puddin calls me his ‘closet red neck’ .
[US]C. Loken Come Monday Morning 144: Be a closet drinker? Lay out in your barn dead ass drunk two-three days atta time?
[SA]D. Tutu N.Y. Times 29 Oct. n.p.: I just think we are seeing closet racism coming out into the open [R].
[US]R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 53: He was a middle-aged closet pervert [i.e. a transvestite] from over in the Valley.
[US]Mad mag. Apr. 7: For all I know she may have been a closet bondage freak and got turned on by the abuse.
[UK]J. Poller Reach 40: I’m obviously a closet straight.
[WI]Jamaica Star 18 May 🌐 The Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse [...] plans to release the names of [...] people who are closet predators.

In derivatives

closetry (n.)

(gay) the hiding of one’s real sexuality by a homosexual.

[US]J. Rechy Rushes (1981) 117: Well fuckeroo if that wasn’t a tribute to closetry.

In compounds

closet-case (n.)

1. (US campus) a socially inept, unattractive person; a hard worker.

[US]Wash. Post 7 Oct. 5/2: Unattractive girls are ‘strictly closet cases’, meaning they should be in the closet when men are around.
[US]J. Davis College Vocab. 6: Closet case – An unattractive person whom you would like to hide.
[US]Baker et al. CUSS 97: Closet case A person who studies a great deal.
[US]Ramis, Kenney & Miller Animal House [film script] flounder He said legacies usually get asked to pledge automatically. otter [...] Unless the pledge in question turns out to be a real closet-case.

2. (gay) a homosexual who finds it difficult or impossible to admit their sexuality in public.

B. Stone I’m for Hire 103: Nancy is a closet dyke. Lots of whores are.
S. Harris Puritan Jungle 191: They’re what we call ‘closet cases’, hiding and scared to death of exposure.
J. Jackman ‘Ports O Call’ in Fag Rag (Boston) Spring No. 19 in Jay & Young (1979) 153: All the wealthy closet cases were finally admitting it by being seen within.
Devil’s Hand Maiden 207: ‘Women have a hundred more things on the ball than men.’ — But can’t you have both?’ — ‘Sure, get married and be a closet dyke.’.
[US]Maledicta VI:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 132: Closet dyke (as with closet case and closet queen, shy or furtive).
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 203: A repressed, inadequate closet case like him must be drooling at the prospect of checking out all that meat.
[US]T. Fontana ‘Medium Rare’ Oz ser. 4 ep. 9 [TV script] Eldridge is actually a fagoot [...] one of them closet cases.
B. Koeler ‘Be My Alibi’ in ThugLit Sept. [ebook] Confused straight boys, closet cases.
closet-queen (n.) (also closet queer) [queen n. (2)/queer n. (6); James, America’s Homosexual Underground (1965), offers a link to (water) closet and suggests that the closet queen is one who dares not have sex at home, preferring the anonymity of public lavatories, bathhouses, parks etc]

(gay) a homosexual who finds it difficult to admit his sexuality.

D. Powell Golden Spur (1991) 151: I never could figure out why you picked me when the other boys wsere so much prettier but I suppose a closet queen has to pick the mutt type like yours truly to kep off suspicion.
[US]A. Baraka Slave in Three Negro Plays (1969) Act II: You and that closet queen, respected, weak-as-water intellectual, pitying me. God. God!
[US]Harper’s Mag. Sept. 39: ‘Hell, he’s one of those tough fags,’ would be the answer [...]. ‘A closet queer, obviously.’.
[UK]G. Melly Rum, Bum and Concertina (1978) 68: My closet queen made no effort to arrange another meeting.
[Aus]Tracks (Aus.) May 3: What sort of silly idiot... would call R J Kegg a closet queer .... At least he took one of the doughnut makers [i.e., a sodomist] out with an elbow in the mouth.
[UK](con. 1960s) A. Frewin London Blues 110: One thing I’ve always noticed about homosexuals, particularly closet queers, is this eye movement thing.
[US]J. Ellroy ‘My Life as a Creep’ in Destination: Morgue! (2004) 128: Middle-aged closet queens with wedding rings and sheepish expressions. Devotees of Cock It to Me and For Those Who Think Hung.
[SA]K. Cage Gayle.
[NZ]W. Ings ‘Trolling the Beat to Working the Soob’ in Int’l Jrnl Lexicog. 23:1 65: Queen is often preceded by a noun or adjective that indicates a place of residence, character or preference. Indicative of this are terms like [...] closet queen (one who hides his homosexuality).
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 151: A booze-hound bachelor and a cloistered closet queen. He juiced at the Raincheck Room.