Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Dutch adj.1

a derog. racial stereotype, meaning stolid, miserly, dour and bad-tempered, and used as such in the combs. below.

[UK]J. Phillips Maronides (1678) VI 17: To come and go, sound as a bell, / And view that hideous place, call’d Hell / [...] / For scarce without thy helping hand, / Would I embark in that Dutch land.
[UK] ‘The Dutch Women’s Duffs’ Cuckold’s Nest 30: The women all were Dutch built, we find, / And each had got such a large behind, / Such jolly big rumps were never seen.
[Scot]Stirling Obs. 7 Feb. 8/3: My waicht is aboot fyfteen stane, / And my build is what critics ca Dutch.
[US]H. Green Maison De Shine 22: I put the Dutch cuss on yuh.
[US]E. O’Neill In the Zone in Mayorga (1919) 193: Bloody, bleedin’, rotten Dutch ’og!
[UK](con. 1835–40) P. Herring Bold Bendigo 256: That’s all Dutch daffy!
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 12: National rivalries can be traced by the appearance in English of many negative phrases involving Dutch and French.

In compounds

Dutch act (n.)

see separate entry.

Dutch almanac (n.)


[UK]Congreve Love for Love IV i: They say so of witches’ prayer, and dreams and Dutch almanacks are to be understood by contraries.
Dutch auction (n.)

a mock auction or sale in which the much-touted ‘reductions’ have no bearing in commercial fact; occas. as v.

[Ire]Cork Examiner 8 Jan. 4/6: The Mock Dutch Auction. Little Johnny Woburn, Ben Dizzy, the Derby Slogger, and Jack the Quaker, well known touts and ‘bonnets’ [...] sellin’ on the Dutch principle.
[UK]R.S. Surtees Plain or Ringlets? (1926) 282: Most people are Dutch-auctioned occasionally — put up at their highest and run down to their lowest point.
[UK]Daily Tel. 30 Nov. n.p.: [...] the old Dutch auction, by which an article was put up at a high price, and if nobody accepted the offer, then reduced to a lower, the sum first required being gradually reduced until a fair value was attained [F&H].
[UK]Punch 21 Feb. 93: Gives up India to Russia, Africa to Germany, puts up garrisoned fortresses and coaling stations at Dutch auction, and lets colonies run loose .
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 26: Dutch Auction, putting up an article at a high price and gradually falling till it is disposed of.
[UK]‘Pot’ & ‘Swears’ Scarlet City 191: Then he began Dutch auctioneering and at last he let me off with half-a-thick ’un.
[Aus]Stephens & O’Brien Materials for a Dict. of Aus. Sl. [unpub. ms.] 68: DUTCH AUCTION: a cheap-jack auctioneer’s method of selling [...] he does not sell to the highest bidder or any bidder, and starts it at a high price and keeps bidding it down himself till he meets a buyer.
[UK]A. Binstead Pitcher in Paradise 265: Flanks of Argentine beef [...] were being sold by Dutch auction.
[Scot]Aberdeen Jrnl 27 June 5/6: Customs and practices in the sale of fish by ‘Dutch auction’ were involved.
[UK]Dover Exp. 3 Feb. 18/2: The Chairman asked if the meat was sold by Dutch auction.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 132: Dutch auction. A reverse auction in which goods are offered at progressively lower prices until finally a bidder is found.
Dutch bargain (n.)

1. a one-sided bargain.

[US]State Prodigal : [T]he Perjury and Poverty we have brought upon our selves for their sakes (as they have now the ingenuity to confess) is selling us a Dutch Bargain with a Vengeance.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 354/2: from ca. 1650.

2. a deal concluded over drinks.

[UK]Otway Friendship in Fashion II i: I hate a Dutch bargain that’s made in heat of Wine.
[UK]Bath Chron. 9 Mar. 14/5: A ‘Dutch’ bargain is a transaction done by people who are drunk.
Dutch bath (n.)

(US) a very cursory wash.

[US] ‘Miscellany’ in AS XXVIII:2 144: There are several colloquial or slang synonyms of sponge bath. . . Bird bath, Dutch Bath, and wipe-off are baths requiring a minimum of water.
Dutch boy (n.) [play on the story of the ‘little Dutch boy’ who ‘put his finger in the dyke’]

(US gay) a man, irrespective of sexuality, who enjoys the company of lesbians.

[US] Queer Sl. in the Gay 90s 🌐 Dutch Boy – Men, gay or straight, who like to hang around dykes.
Dutch broth (n.)

genever, gin.

[Ire]Roscommon & Leitrim Gaz. 30 Nov. 4/1: Well I'm blest if ever I could ‘diskiver’ what was the fancy of drowning good hot hollands with water [...] afore all that ‘Dutch broth walks Spanish,’ give us another toothful.
Dutch-buttocked (adj.) [SE Dutch-buttocked, of cattle, having large hind-quarters]

fat, ‘broad in the beam’.

[UK]N. Ward A Frolic to Horn-Fair 13: A long range of little Cottages, at the doors of which sat abundance of Dutch buttock’d Lasses, with Sea Handkerchiefs about their Pouting Bubbies.
[UK]N. Ward London Terraefilius I 14: Pray observe that short Dutch Buttock’d Lady there.
Dutch clock (n.)

1. a woman [resemblance of a woman’s face to a clockface; see also ety. at Dutch n.4 ].

[UK]J. Lindridge Sixteen-String Jack 75: How’s your old Dutch clock — your missus, I mean?
[UK]Morton & LeBrunn [perf. Marie Lloyd] Poor Thing 🎵 Sal loved her husband firm as a rock, poor thing / He soon got tired of his old Dutch clock, poor thing.
[UK]P.H. Emerson Signor Lippo 92: The ole man came in the kitchen jest as me and the Dutch clock was having dan.
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘An Authority on War’ Sporting Times 15 Sept. 1/4: I’ve sometimes gone home ‘tiddley,’ after having faced the foe, / And I’ve faced the old Dutch clock with two bob short! [Ibid.] 3 Mar. 1/4: He’d struck a wrong scent, and had taken the knock; / And he felt, to his nerves ’twas a terrible shock, / The well-known finger-nails of his ancient Dutch clock.
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘Bedrooms’ Sporting Times 15 Oct. 2/3: I don’t mind a-tellin’ you plain / It ’olds one bit of furniture, my old Dutch clock, / But ’er name isn’t Louie, it’s Jane!

2. the vagina [f. sense 1].

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
Dutch comfort (n.)

a style of comforting in which the speaker intones ‘Thank God it is no worse’.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue ms. additions n.p.: Dutch Comfort. Thank God it is no worse.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd, 3rd edn).
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1788].
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[US]‘Jack Downing’ Andrew Jackson 127: The whole army was now on the retreat, but they had the Dutch comfort of knowin that the storm was in their backs.
[US]Times (Wash., DC) 29 Oct. n.p.: [from London Globe] ‘Dutch comfort’ is understood to be the equivalent of the expression ‘thank my stars it is no worse,’ of which ‘Dutch consolation’ is a variant, implying that, whatever our misfortunes, there is somebody worse off than ourselves.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 12: National rivalries can be traced by the appearance in English of many negative phrases involving Dutch and French, e.g., Dutch comfort, false comfort; Dutch courage, false bravery fueled by alcohol; Dutch uncle, not a real uncle.
Dutch concert (n.) (also Dutch medley)

any performance in which each musician plays a different tune; thus a general pej. for a bad performance, musical or metaphorical.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[Scot]W. Scott Waverley Ch. xi n.p.: And now the Demon of Politics envied even the harmony arising from this Dutch concert merely because there was not a wrathful note in the strange compound of sounds which it produced [F&H].
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 2 Oct. 1/2: As each one sang in a different key [...] it certainly biore greater resemblance to a drunken Dutch medley than the elaborated performances at the Italian opera.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Daily Tel. 23 March, n.p.: ‘Lord Derby on Pauperism.’ [...] instead of the harmony that should exist [...] you have [...] a Dutch concert, or in other words, every man playing his own tune on his own instrument [F&H].
[UK]Sl. Dict. 154: Dutch concert Where every one plays a different tune. Sometimes called a Dutch medley when vocal efforts only are used.
[UK]Bath Chron. 9 Mar. 14/5: A ‘Dutch’ concert is a concert where several different tunes are played at the same time.
[Scot]Aberdeen Jrnl 24 Oct. 6/3: A dutch concert is a babel.
Dutch consolation (n.)

a style of comforting in which the speaker intones ‘Thank God it is no worse’.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. 35: DUTCH CONSOLATION, ‘Thank God it is no worse.’.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict. [as cit. 1859].
[UK]Sl. Dict. 154: Dutch comfort Thank God it is no worse ‘It might have been worse,’ said a man whom the devil was carrying to hell. ‘How?’ asked a neighbour. ‘Well, he’s carrying me ― he might have made me carry him.’.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) [as 1873].
[UK]All the Year Round 9 June 542: The expression often heard, ‘Thank Heaven, it is no worse,’ is sometimes called Dutch consolation [F&H].
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 26: Dutch Consolation, ‘thank God it could be worse’.
[US]Times (Wash., DC) 29 Oct. n.p.: [from London Globe] ‘Dutch comfort’ is understood to be the equivalent of the expression ‘thank my stars it is no worse,’ of which ‘Dutch consolation’ is a variant, implying that, whatever our misfortunes, there is somebody worse off than ourselves.
[UK]Bath Chron. 9 Mar. 14/5: A ‘Dutch’ consolation means ‘let us be glad that things are not even worse’.
Dutch courage (n.)

see separate entry.

Dutch daub (n.) (also Dutch dab) [orig. the second-rate Dutch still-lifes that were imported in bulk into the US during the 1880s, an influx that was slowed only by the imposition of a 35% duty on such pictures; note mid-17C use of picture-monger, derog. description of the Dutch, e.g. M. Stevenson Norfolk Drollery (1673) p. 102]

(US) a badly executed picture.

[UK]G.A. Sala in Illus. London News 28th Apr. in Ware (1909) 121/1: The term ‘Dutch Daub’ has fetched me a little. I call to mind that in almost every refreshment buffet and minor hotel bar in the Southern and Western States you come across oil-paintings of still-life.
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch dabs n [I Hear 1870] Bad landscape paintings and still lifes.
Dutch distemper (n.) [the disproportionately large number of Dutch (or Germans) in the prison population]

(US) gaol fever.

J.F. Watson Annals of Phila. 600: It often happened that the servants coming from Germany and Holland, after being purchased, communicated a very malignant fever to whole families and neighbourhoods [...]. It was of such frequent occurrence as to be called in the Gazettes the ‘Dutch distemper’ [DA].
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch distemper n [DA 1830] Jail fever; from the alleged lawlessness of the Dutch.
Dutch doggery (n.) [doggery n.1 , reinforced by the stereotypical surliness of the Dutch]

a grog-shop.

D.P. Thompson Adventures Timothy Peacock 140: Leaving Timothy in a sort of Dutch doggery, or sailor’s hotel [...] Jenks immediately went in search of the friend [DA].
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch doggery n [DA 1835] A low grog shop; from the alleged surliness of the Dutch.
Dutch drops (n.) [play on SE Dutch drops (Balsum sulphuris terebinthinatum), a red distillate produced from turpentine]

Hollands gin, genever.

[UK]Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1995) 393: Tom Pinch, in his guilty agitation, shook a bottle of Dutch Drops until they were nothing but English Froth.
[UK]Duncombe New and Improved Flash Dict.
Dutch feast (n.) [the assumption is that he has monopolized the supply of alcohol]

any meal where the host gets drunk before his friends.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]All the Year Round 9 June 542: Dutch feast is a phrase now obsolete; it was formerly applied to an entertainment where the host got drunk before his guests [F&H].
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 26: Dutch Feast, the host drunk before his guests.
[US]Times (Wash., DC) 29 Oct. n.p.: [from London Globe] A ‘Dutch feast’ [...] signifies a feast at which the host becomes intoxicated.
[UK]Bath Chron. 9 Mar. 14/5: A ‘Dutch’ feast is a festical where the host precedes his guests in being tipsy.
Dutch fit (n.) [stereotype of the grumpy Dutch]

(US) a fit of temper, an explosion of rage.

[US]C.G. Leland ‘Steinli von Slang’ in Hans Breitmann in Church 142: Oonder heafens / Der vas nefer soosh derriple witz, / Knockin all dings to sechses und sefens, / Und gifin Plectruda Dutch fits.
Whitchita Dly Eagle (KS) 25 Jan. 4/2: The timid reporter was well night frightened into a dutch fit by being called an ‘ignoramus’.
[US]Stark Co. Democrat (Canton, OH) 11 Aug. 4/3: If an Irishman would move into Vermont they would take a Dutch fit.
[US]St Louis Republican (MO) 29 Jan. 6/3: Ruhlin isd an awful nervous fighter. He nearly has a Dutch fit before a fight.
[US]Spokane Press (WA) 26 May 3/1: If he’ll only listen to me [...] before he flies into a Dutch fit and does anything rash, I can soon make everything right.
[US]Bienville Democrat (Arcadia, LA) 29 July 6/2: Do not [...] have a ‘Dutch fit’ about your tax being wrong for the Sheriff has to collect it as it appears on the roll.
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch fit n [I Hear 1844] A fit of rage.
Dutch foil (n.) (also Dutch gilding,, ...leaf, ...metal)

(US) an alloy of 11 parts copper and two parts zinc, used as a substitute for gold leaf – and presumably passed off as such to the unwary.

[UK] ‘St Giles’s Greek’ in Sporting Mag. Dec. XIII 164/1: The diamonds faded into glass, and the gold transmuted into Dutch leaf and lead.
A. Smith Natural History of Ballet Girl 44: The property man is arranging the [...] empty goblets, or vin ordinaire bottles covered with Dutch metal .
[UK]T. Buckley Sydenham Greenfinch 38: ‘Dutch metal costs nothing’ [...] ‘Stick on a dollop of bright red and a whole host of shine’ (probably meaning Dutch metal).
[UK]Gloucester Citizen 8 Dec. 3/5: [advert] Christmas Decorations — Gold and Silver Leaf, Dutch Metal and Bronzes.
[US]Times (Wash., DC) 29 Oct. n.p.: [from London Globe] ‘Dutch metal’ [...] was largely manufactured at Birmingham [...] the term is employed as a kind of synonym for ‘base metal’.
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch foil; Dutch gilding; Dutch gold; Dutch metal n An alloy of copper and zinc; a substitute for gold leaf; from the stereotype of Dutch parsimony.
Dutch fuck (n.) [the implication in both is of meanness]

1. the lighting of one cigarette from another, thus saving matches.

[Aus]S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 8: dutch fuck: The lighting of one cigarette from another.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 354/2: 1940+.
N. Elliott Never Judge a Man by his Umbrella 94: Nevile [...] inquired whether I could tell him why, if you lit your cigarette from somebody else's, it was known as a ‘Dutch fuck’.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 659: he lit my second cigarette from his, a sure sign of developing intimacy. That’s why it’s called a Dutch fuck.

2. (US) intercourse between the breasts; also as v.

[US]Alt. Eng. Dict. 🌐 Dutch or Dutch Fuck To fuck someone between the breasts.
Dutch fustian (n.) [SE fustian, lofty or turgid language, accentuated by ref. to high Dutch under high adj.1 ; note late 16C fustian, Und. or thieves’ jargon]


[UK]Marlowe Tragical Hist. of Dr. Faustus I iv: wag.: Let thy left eye be diametarily fixed upon my right heel, with quasi vestigiis nostris insistere. robin: God forgive me, he speaks Dutch fustian.
Dutch girl (n.) [pun on SE dike (i.e. the dikes that form the basis of Holland’s coast defences)/dyke n.]

a lesbian.

[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular.
[US]Maledicta IX 54: Dutch girl n [R] Lesbian; homosexual pun relating dike to the dikes of Holland.
Dutch gleek (n.) [derog. use of Dutch (implying generic drunkenness) + SE gleek, ‘a game at cards, played by three persons; forty-four cards were used, twelve being dealt to each player, while the remaining eight formed a common “stock”’ (OED)]

any form of drinks.

[UK]E. Gayton Pleasant Notes III v 96: He was not able to stirre his jawes, nor could be partaker of any of the good cheer, except it were the liquid part of it, which they call Dutch gleek.
[UK]R. Nares Gloss. (1888) I 266: dutch gleek. A jocular expression for drinking, alluding to the game of gleek; as if tippling were the favourite game of Dutchmen.
Dutch guts (n.) [gut n. (2a)]

(Aus.) courage created by alcoholic intake.

[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read How to Shoot Friends 78: Any fool can spend half their life in bars getting into drunken blues with a belly full of Dutch guts.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 3 [as cit. 1993].
Dutch leave (n.)

(US) taking time off without permission, absenting oneself illegally.

[US]Houma Ceres (Terrebonne, LA) 8 Nov. 2/2: Yellow jack [...] in consequence of the appearance of his dire enemy Jack Frost, has been compelled to take Dutch leave.
[US]Scranton Tribune (PA) 28 Dec. 10/1: ‘Am I a deserter, sure enough?’ asked Little Billy [...] ‘You took Dutch leave’.
[US]J.C. Harris Tales of the Home Folks 205: You’ve gone and broke the rules and articles of war [...] You took Dutch leave.
[US]Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 22 Dec. 21/4: [He] had won the position of trusty at Pocatello, and about five days before his sentence expired [...] he took ‘Dutch leave’.
[US]Spanish Fork Press (UT) 4 Nov. 6/5: Three of the pests, evidently of a nomadic turn of mind, took Dutch leave.
[US]N.Y. Tribune 15 Aug. 3/2: The Americans have all taken Dutch leave.
[US]Maledicta III:2 157: Dutch leave n [I Hear 1898] Absent without leave.

In compounds

Dutchman (n.)

see separate entries.

Dutch milk (n.) [the stereotyping of Germans as beer-drinkers]

(orig. US black) beer.

[US]J.W. Carr ‘Words from Northwest Arkansas’ in DN III:i 78: Dutch milk, n. Beer. ‘You can get Dutch milk by express.’.
[US](con. 1940s–60s) Décharné Straight from the Fridge Dad 54: Dutch milk Beer.
Dutch nightingale (n.) [the implied inability of the Dutch to sing]

a frog.

[UK]T. Pennant British Zoology III 5: The croaking of Frogs is well known, and from that in fenny countries they are stiled Dutch Nightingales or Boston Waites [OED].
R. Southey Omniana II 33: Izaak Walton accuses the frogs of destroying them, but I cannot persuade myself to find a true bill against these poor persecuted Dutch nightingales.
[UK]Chester Chron. 19 June 4/4: The frog, a reptile which has been called facetiously [...] the Dutch nightingale.
W.W. Spurden Supplement to Vocab. of East Anglia (Forby) n.p.: Dutch-Nightingale, a frog, from its melodious note in the spring .
Peter Parley’s Annual 153: He tried to pour forth as plaintive a strain as a nightingale, by trying a tune; but his voice rather resembled that of a Dutch nightingale, that is, a ‘bull marsh-frog’.
[UK]Tamworth Herald 11 Sept. 7/4: A facetious correspondent calls the frog the Dutch nightingale.
[Scot]Aberdeen Jrnl 24 Oct. 6/3: A dutch nightingale is a frog.
Dutch oven (n.) [SE Dutch oven, a large pot that gains heat from coals placed around and on top of it]

1. the mouth.

[US]G.D. Chase ‘Cape Cod Dialect’ in DN II:v 297: Dutch oven, n. In expression ‘a mouth as big as a Dutch oven’.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 405: Shut his blurry Dutch oven with a firm hand.

2. (also Greek sauna) the smell of a bed in which someone has just broken wind.

[Aus]R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 25: Dutch Oven Share bed, fart, spit in the air and yell ‘Ghosts.’.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: Dutch oven n. The area beneath the bedclothes after ones partner has just played the dawn chorus on his botty bugle. [Ibid.] n.p.: Greek sauna See Dutch oven.
[Aus]N. Cummins Adventures of the Honey Badger [ebook] [I] headed to my room to catch some Zs in the fart sack. I’d just dutch-ovened myself for a third time [etc].
Dutch pink (n.) (also pink) [SE Dutch pink, a yellow lake pigment]


[UK] ‘Battle’ in Fancy I XVII 407: The combatants now got into a desperate rally, and Josh, receiving the most pepper, till he put in a Gaslighter in the middle of his opponents mug, that not only sent him staggering some yards, but produced the pink gushing out of both of his peepers.
[UK]‘Cuthbert Bede’ Adventures of Mr Verdant Green (1982) II 166: While to another he would say, as a fact not to be disputed [...] ‘That’ll take the bark from your nozzle, and distil the Dutch pink for you, won’t it?’.
Dutch plaice (n.)

(UK und.) the human face.

[UK]Mirror of Life 27 July 14/2: The stranger quickly read his broad / With a smile on his Dutch plaice, Then turned to ramper Jones, / who made / A Captain Cook that day .
Dutch reckoning (n.) [the poor image of Dutch businessmen]

1. a bill presented as a lump sum, with no details attached, 17C use is Dutch reckoning altemal.

A.B. Letter of Advice concerning Marriage 11: [A]las, were it fairly examined, not grosly swallowed like a Dutch Reckoning Altmeale, it would but too plainly appear, the Pomp of such Women is rarely defrayed at double the charge.
R. Coke Detection of Court & State 22: [H]udling the Principles of Geometry into Confusion, without order or method of Reasoning, to make a Conclusion, like a Dutch Reckoning of Altem-al .
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Dutch-Reckoning, or Alte-mall, a verbal or Lump-account without particulars.
[UK]Swift Drapier’s Letters in Works II (1859) 22/1: A Dutch reckoning; wherein if you dispute the unreasonableness and exorbitance of the bill, the landlord shall bring it up every time with new additions.
[UK]New Canting Dict. n.p.: DUTCH-Reckoning, or Alte-mall a verbal or lump Account, without Particulars; as brought in at Sponging-Houses, at Bawdy-Houses, and other such like Places of ill Repute.
[UK]Bailey Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. 1725].
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Dutch reckoning, or alte-mal, a verbal, or lump account without particulars, as brought at spunging, or bawdy houses.
[UK]G. Andrewes Dict. Sl. and Cant.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1785].
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue [as cit. 1785].
[UK]G. Kent Modern Flash Dict. 13: Dutch reckoning – bad reckoning.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.
[UK]Duncombe New and Improved Flash Dict.
W. Howitt Northern Heights of London 18: Here ’mongst fops, fiddlers, and furbeloes, where everything ’s as dear as freeholders’ votes, and a greater imposition than a Dutch reckoning.
[US]Maledicta III:2 158: Dutch reckoning n False reckoning of position; from alleged ineptness of Dutch sailors which grew out of the trade rivalry between England and Holland.

2. a bill that, if disputed, only gets higher.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 355/1: C.17–20.
Dutch row (n.) (also Dutch parliament) [note Fr. synon. une querelle d’Allemand, lit. a ‘German argument’]

a spurious argument, generating far more sound than any real fury.

[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.
[UK]‘Bartimeus’ ‘Narrative of Commander W.D. Hornby’ in Awfully Big Adventure 101: The Mess was crowded [...] with Subalterns and Lieutenants, smoking and talking nineteen to the dozen. Into that Dutch Parliament strolled Mouldy Jakes.
Dutch rub (n.)

the act of rubbing one’s knuckles hard across one’s victim’s skull.

[Israel Mag. 3 258: ‘Our faces [were] scrubbed until they shone again.’ ‘Oh! a “Dutch rub,” I used to call it,’ put in Mabel excitedly. ‘Mother used to scrub so hard! Ugh!’].
Mines Mag. 3 237/1: SENSATIONAL hair styles will be instantly wrecked by an egg-shampoo, vegetables a-la-mode, and a good Dutch Rub.
D.J. Howard Stubby Jenks 192: Mebbie you dont kno what the Dry Dutch Rub is [...] well, its when you hold a Kid down and you take yure Nuckels and Rub them Hard and Dig them in his Head, and it hurts Turribel and makes the Kid holler Murder.
[US](con. 1900) L. Riggs Green Grow the Lilacs I iii: Ort to give you a good Dutch rub and arn some of the craziness out of you!
[US] in DARE.
[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.
[US]T. Berger Reinhart in Love (1963) 69: His mentor was not only a fake but a criminal [...] treating polio with the Dutch rub.
[US]K. Porter ‘Still More Ethnic and Place names as Derisive Adjectives’ Western Folklore XXV:1 38: Dutch rub. Mild torture practised by youthful teenagers, inflicted by applying the knuckles to the back of a smaller boy’s head [...] Central Kansas, 1910–1918.
[US]Maledicta III:2 158: Dutch rub n [DAS 1910] A schoolboy prank of rubbing another’s head with one’s knuckles.
[US]ADS-L 6 Nov. 🌐 Larry’s list calls to mind Dutch rub, analogous to the Indian burn. With the Dutch rub, the knuckles were ground back and forth on the skull of the inferior person.
Dutch town (n.)

see separate entry.

Dutch treat (n.)

see separate entry.

Dutch uncle (n.)

see separate entry.

Dutch wife (n.)

a bolster, otherwise defined as a ‘masturbation machine’; in modern use, a blow-up sex doll.

[UK] Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues II 349: Dutch-wife, a bolster.
[Scot]Aberdeen Jrnl 24 Oct. 6/3: A dutch wife is a bolster.
[UK]J. MacLaren-Ross ‘Y List’ in Memoirs of the Forties (1984) 240: They strapped me bolt upright [...] and put a bolster between my legs like the Dutch wife you read about in books about the east.
A. Burgess Beds in the East (2000) 455: He clutched the bolster [...] known as a Dutch wife .
W. Young Eros Denied 271: We call [...] a masturbation machine a Dutch husband or wife.
[UK](con. 1940s) J.G. Farrell Singapore Grip 262: We can have the ‘Dutch wife’ between us.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. Travel 29 Aug. 1: Guests were also provided with a Dutch wife to sleep with – a bed bolster.
‘Miniskirt Doll’ at 🌐 She had told him that in her country ‘Dutch wife’ meant sex doll.
[SA]IOL News (Western Cape) 26 Aug. 🌐 With terms such as [...] ‘Dutch wife’ (prostitute or sex doll) passing into English slang.

In phrases

Dutch by injection

of a woman, living with a foreigner.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 597/2: from ca. 1925.
go Dutch (v.) (orig. US)

to share expenses, esp. of a meal; thus Dutch adj. by itself.

[US]University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 1 Oct. 4/5: There will be a ‘Dutch’ supper next Saturday evening [...] Freshmen and all new girls are to be guests and ‘old girls’ are to ‘go Dutch’ paying twenty-five cents each.
[US]Eve. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 29 Nov. 4/5: [advert] Treatless Days. Bring that gal to Ellix’s and make her go Dutch.
[US]Eve. World (NY) 11 June 32/1: I want to meet a regular fellow who is willing to let a girl ‘go Dutch’ on the expenses and eliminate the necessity of kissing him goodnight.
M.P. Barker Good Manners for Young Women 19: If you happen to know that a certain man with whom you enjoy going out simply cannot pay for all the dates you would like to have, but could pay his share, why not be frank with each otlier and go ‘dutch’?
[US]S. Lewis World So Wide 62: If you’re one of these independent females that insist on paying their own share, I don’t mind. We can go dutch.
[US]C. Clausen I Love You Honey, But the Season’s Over 112: They were invariably starving artists or starving medical students, who either wanted to ‘go Dutch’ or ended the evening asking us for subway fare.
[US]‘Tom Pendleton’ Iron Orchard (1967) 143: ‘Well,’ she said. ‘If we go dutch.’.
[US]A. Maupin Tales of the City (1984) 30: ‘How about lunch tomorrow?’ ‘Oh . . . sure. Dutch?’.
[UK]M. Amis London Fields 117: Lizzyboo, I hope, will insist on going Dutch when I take her to the movies.
[UK]N. Barlay Curvy Lovebox 132: Go dutch on a calculator boys.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 6 Aug. 2: Shall we go Dutch on this one, love?
[US]F. Kellerman Stalker (2001) 109: ‘Want to go Dutch?’ He laughed. ‘This one’s on me. The next one’s on you.’.
Cape News Online (SA) 12 Aug. 🌐 Men just wanna go Dutch. New York: Two out of three men think women should help pay for a date.
Twitter 5 Mar. 🌐 Just found out the person I’ve been seeing earns 6 figures and I’ve been going dutch on everything ??