Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bullhead clap n.

also bullheaded clap
[SE bullhead used as an intensifier + clap n.]

(US) extremely severe gonorrhoea.

[US] in Randolph & Legman Ozark Folksongs and Folklore (1992) II 600: In eight days / I got a dose of the bull-headed clap.
[US] in V. Randolph Pissing in the Snow (1977) 203: He got a dose of the old bullhead clap.
[US]R.T. Sale Blackstone Rangers 185: ‘I joined the U.S.M.C. in January 1960. Half-starved, no I.D., suffering with the “bull-head claps”’. 🌐 See what doing 17 year old crack-whore prostitutes will get ya man??? now you’ve got a serious case of the bullheaded clap!!! get well soon bro! 🌐 Let me tell you I had a case or two of the bullhead clap too. See my weakness is women. No matter what they look or smell I got’s to have it.