Green’s Dictionary of Slang

neddy n.5

[? play on use of matilda n. for the swag itself, to which the tucker-bag is tied, i.e. it dangles ‘from her apron-strings’ (AND)]

(Aus.) the tucker-bag carried by an itinerant tramp.

[Aus]E.S. Sorenson Dissertation of Travellers in Life in the Aus. Backblocks 67: Neddy, the tucker-bag, or nose-bag, is of more importance than the blue one, and by way of precedence dangles in front, mostly hanging to Matilda’s apron-strings. [...] The exact time when Swaggie, Bluey, Neddy, and Billy first entered into partnership would be hard to determine.
[Aus]Western Mail (Perth) 12 Oct. 10/3: The nosebag or tuckerbag [...] is Neddy.