Green’s Dictionary of Slang

scarp v.

also scarpo, scarp off
[scarper v. (1)]

(Aus./N.Z.) to escape, to run off.

L. Esson Woman Tamer (1976) 82: Katie: [...] Get! Chopsey: Gaud struth Katie [...] Katie: [...] Scarp off! [AND].
Ack Ack News (Melbourne) Nov. 4: A semi-nude figure, draped only in a towel [...] was seen scarping in the direction of the predictor pit at terrific speed [AND].
J.S. Gunn in Ramson Eng. Transported 53: Scarp, ‘run.’ [AND].
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 159/1: scarpo v. to escape.
[Aus]K. Cooper Mysterious Case of Mr Strangeway 22: ‘Right. Scarp off, then.’ [...] I did as she suggested, scarpering off into the dark.